On The Necessity & Effectiveness of Masks: Okay, so this is going to sound like the craziest thing you've heard all day, but bear with me. Everyone knows Fauci, Redfield & Adams have indisputably done a complete 180 during the past month on the necessity of wearing masks.

To counter, many brilliant journalists and scientists @AlexBerenson @NikolovScience & others have provided evidence from studies conducted before the pandemic all the way to publications as recent as June of this year: material from New England Journal of Medicine, AAPS, etc.
This plethora of evidence proves masks are ineffective & unnecessary. Fauci & crew are not fazed. Today I understood why. Showing them studies & publications is meaningless because their position is: based on recent evidence-based science, everything before last month is outdated
Say what? Their position is that science has evolved so much we now know what we didn't know about masks & how they work with this virus. Because we have evolved in our understanding, you can no longer hold us to our views or anyone else's views from years or even months ago.
Crazy, right? Well, here's the proof. Recently, Fauci has been adamant about wearing masks. He has gone from: "Don't need to wear mask" to "Wear it if you want" to "It just helps psychologically as a symbol" to "Don't leave home without it." All in the span of less than 4 months
How can a scientist possibly explain this complete shift? Easy. The science has evolved. Redfield did same thing. CDC, in line with WHO, never said masks are a necessity. Then CDC changed its position. Yesterday, Redfield said we can get rid of virus in 4 months if we wear masks!
How can a scientist like Redfield possibly explain this complete shift? Easy. The science has evolved. The final example is the Surgeon General who was very much opposed to masks, but now swears by them. Check out this video as he explains the shift.
How can a scientist possibly explain this shift? Easy. The science has evolved. So, what is the moral of the story? False prognostications, goal posts moving & even decades worth of scientific facts mean nothing when it comes to this virus. Why? Easy. The science has evolved.
And how convenient that it has evolved so quickly this year. Science evolves. Fair enough. But let's call this quick shift in the necessity of masks what it is: not an evolution, but sadly a revolution. And in revolutions, people suffer, lives are ruined, and people die.
Update: You may be thinking,"How can Fauci & crew 'evolve' on this issue of masks so quickly without proof?" Enter, the friendly unbiased people at WHO, whose timing is impeccable (as is their ability to walk things back) Here's a brief published last week https://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/transmission-of-sars-cov-2-implications-for-infection-prevention-precautions
Update 2: You may be thinking, well, that's just WHO. Plus, they don't come out & say you *must* wear masks. Enter, the friendly unbiased no-agenda people at CDC (keep in mind Redfield said earlier this week we can end virus in 4 weeks if we wear masks). https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6928e2.htm
Update: Studies like the 2 above are rushed to publication to fit agenda. For years, evidence has been clear. New England Journal of Medicine from earlier this year: “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.”
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