Twitter has been hacked. Seems that maybe anyone’s account can be taken over, or at least, it’s possible to send fake blue tick tweets.
And what do they do with this power?
Scam BItcoin.
Short thread about why this is good to follow.
You've probably heard, a whole lot of important people had their twitter accounts hacked, and used to scam bitcoin - "send me bitcoin, I'll send back double".
Seem that 376 people sent $116,000 they won't see again.

Quick thought experiment: explain why this is good.
Imagine what the #twitterhack hackers could have done : crashed the stockmarket, caused mass panic, started riots, it's hard to put an upper limit on what could have happened.

The world dodged a big bullet today.

That's the good news, here comes the bad news...
This wasn't a sophisticated attack.

They bribed (or fooled) a couple of insiders.

So simple.

You have to assume that other, more sophisticated actors got there first, and are still there.
Twitter will react by putting limits on what any one employee can do.

That should prevent an unsophisticated actor from doing anything similar, at this scale.

It will make life a little harder for the sophisticated actors. But they'll still be there.
We dodged one bullet. But much larger threats exist.

#TwitterHack should be a Sputnik moment, a reminder that critical infrastructure takes many forms, and that we as a society have not done nearly the necessary to secure ourselves.
Good thread here on how Twitter should respond.
You can follow @BenAveling.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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