Alright, then let's have this conversation.

The bottom line is that people deserve to have children when and if they want to have children. If you have sex with the intention of not having a child, and nine months later you do not have a child, it doesn't really matter if that
happened because you wore a condom or because you had an abortion. The sperm and egg that would have fused are wasted either way, the nut in the condom in your garbage can is just a premature abortion.

More importantly, the risk factors connected to having a child when you
don't want one are insane. It's a predictor for severe mental health issues, it's a predictor for child abuse, often due to post-partum depression, it's a predictor for spousal abuse if the parents are together, it's a predictor for bankruptcy. And putting the child up for
adoption is so much worse. My field is developmental psychology, so i know what I'm saying when i say THE LARGEST predictor for mental instability, abusive or dysfunctional relationships in adulthood, substance abuse, suicidality, and more, is being placed in the US
foster care system at infancy. The narrative that there are so many people that would love to have your child is bullshit, 60% of foster children spend 2-5 years before being placed, and 20% spend more than 5. Those are formative years, and every month they go without parental
figures is a month more of attachment anxiety they will never be free of.
My point is not at all that children in the foster system have no quality of life, or that they don't deserve the whole world and more. They absolutely do. My point is that if you think you are being
morally responsible by choosing the foster system over abortion, you are WRONG. If you think parenting a child before you are ready is more moral than abortion, you are WRONG. Because you are choosing to gamble a person's (and once you have a kid, then there's no debate,
they ARE a person) mental health, their quality of life, their increased risk of being sexually assaulted at a young age, their feeling of worth, simply because YOU feel worse about retroactive birth control. It's not about the children to pro lifers. They don't care that banning
abortion would flood the system with depressed, lonely, untrusting, troubled, suicidal children.

They only care that two cells fused, when millions of people every day use birth control to prevent that fusing in the first place. There's no difference.
So if the argument here is that a zygote has the same intrinsic value as a newborn baby, then you better never wear a condom or fuck someone with an IUD again, because the only difference between your sperm and their egg, and a zygote, is time
And if you think retroactive birth control is worse than bringing a person into an already fucked up world when you know damn well you are not ready to provide them a structured, nurturing, loving home, your priorities are fucked to hell.
AND, if you think for a SECOND that it is your place to make that decision for anyone ELSE??? you can go straight to hell, because deciding if you have what it takes to love a child is something ONLY YOU can do, and that decision sure as hell shouldn't be made for you by "jake"
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