UK R6 members as football managers - a thread.
Sam Allardyce - @p4tKhz.

Genuinely shameful attacking play, but a true staple of the UK top flight, the scene would not be the same without them. Solid defensively and an astute man manager. A mixture of impressive seasons and disappointments. Effective.

Tony Pulis - @Saethus.

A manager with a cult following for shithousery and all around acceptance for average performance. A hard worker, but nowhere near enough overall technique and flair to push beyond their level. No longer able to cut it at the top level of the UK.

Jürgen Klopp - @Kxndrew.

Won nearly everything there is to win and has performed at an elite level for a long time. Shrewd transfer business, trophies and an aggressive play style. Overtook the previous dominance of the UK scene by Pep. Elite.

Paulo Di Canio - @RumpIee.

Genuine mad cunt. Would kill somebody for a win. Makes his presence known at all times. Has demonstrated reasonable success but you see him disappear for months at a time before he's back at it again. A cult hero. The boys all love him.

Alan Pardew - @FreshR6S.

An eccentric personality often found flaunting in the media. Nobody is certain how he keeps getting long contracts at big sides, but he finds a way. Has made some questionable comments but there is still a group that loves him. Unique.

Roberto Mancini - @Kid_Giggy.

An exciting young manager that came out of nowhere, took over the scene and won one of the biggest titles of all. They then fucked him off but he's always welcome back in the UK when not managing a foreign side. Unfinished business.

Jose Mourinho - @FerralJackal.

Elite record and has performed on some of the biggest stages of all. Has yet to return to his absolute peak and seems more or less finished, but nobody cares question him or his methods. Will ruin anyone without hesitation. Elite shithouser.

Marcelo Bielsa - @SternabR6.

Involved in an outrageous spying scandal, but wholeheartedly loved by his fans. Has been around the block, a true veteran of the game and has worked multiple roles. No longer cares what the media thinks of him. Will bollock his players.

Brendan Rodgers - @R6sHarris.

Young, always in and around the top 4, but always absolutely bottles it towards the end of the season. The players all love him, but he's yet to explode in the top flight of England. We are all eager to see what he does next. Potential.

Chris Wilder - @Hxsti_.

Nobody has a fucking clue where this cunt has come from but fuck me is he elite. Loved by everyone. Assumptions of some dark magic at play. Always performs at his best, even with questionable players. Always touted for a big move. A future star.

Frank de Boer - @ItzUnionJack.

Genuinely fucking shameful record in the UK top flight. Binned off after 4 games and hasn't been seen again. Many questioning why he is still at it but he persists nonetheless. A bit of media work here and there, but that's all we have seen.

Marco Silva - @Px_idk.

Young, flashy, touted for greatness. In reality, has done fuck all. Partially due to the crap players he has worked with, but also due to repeatedly disappearing at big moments. No current job in the UK or plans to achieve greatness. A shame.

Gennaro Gattuso - @Boomed_R6.

Completely mental. Should be wearing a muzzle, never mind a covid mask. Completely full of drama and whole heartedly believes he is the dogs bollocks. Has a big opportunity to prove himself and work with some great talent. Controversial.

Arsene Wenger - @LeonGiddens.

A true proponent of the beautiful game. Exciting and with spells of reasonable success. Has had to deal with some frauds around him, but has come out on top. A legend of the scene. Deserves his icon status. A good meme also. Is this his year?

Roberto Di Matteo - @Joe_R6S.

Name was branded around for a while but seen as not much more than a flashy option. Gets his first big opportunity and goes and absolutely fucking smashes it. Absolutely kills it. Then fuck all. One hit wonder. Still loved and cherished.

Andre Villas-Boas - @CaptainFluke.

Attractive, young, keeps the tempo high and likes their team to keep the ball on the ground. Have fallen for them romantically on numerous occasions. Always in and around the top level of competition and deserves even more.

Mikel Arteta - @Dezachu.

Complete and utter chick magnet. So cute he could pull a door that says push. Walks straight on to the scene and has silverware to his name already. Does things the right way and would belt a manager like Pardew no questions asked.

Neil Warnock - @Sh4tteredR6.

This cunt has been in and out of the league more times than I've had to mute him on twitter. A grafter. Loves a bit of media attention and thrives when able to shithouse. Barely fucking wins at all. Has threatened to retire 12 times.

Steven Gerrard - @Snubster1.

There is no caption. I'll let the picture do the talking. If you know, you know.

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