Okay, here’s something about me and my history. I have always leaned more right than left in the past. LET ME FINISH! I was a Regan baby and believed in the danger of the Evil Empire, The Day After and all that. So my focus was always more concerned on defense.
Now I was never a supporter of a lot of the major planks of the right, anti-abortion and many others. I just figured defense was more important and that we’ll take care of civil liberties later. But check it out. I kept living and I kept growing. Over the years
As the threat of instant annihilation from nukes began to wane I started to really examine my beliefs about other issues. Equality for the LGBTQ+ community, the wealth gap, the homeless. As I got older I noticed that I was leaving the Republican Party. I saw that
There was no interest in making things better for all. The interest was only on elevating a few (the silent majority) while ignoring others (or in some cases actually attacking others). So my world view began to expand. I listened, I researched, I kept growing.
Then I had kids and everything changed. I saw that it wasn’t just about me. It was about what kind of world and country I wanted my children to grow up in. As a parent I want my children to have a world that cares and celebrates diversity and helps the less fortunate.
I opened my mind and I grew. I no longer consider myself a Republican. I don’t consider myself a Democrat either. I want be a citizen of a country that is COMITTED to justice for all. I want to be a part of a country that WORKS for equality every day.
I want to be an American and make that mean something that everyone can be proud of. I’m not perfect but I’m going to keep my mind open and keep growing. Because otherwise what’s the point of living if you’re not going to grow.
I hope you don’t think less of me and I hope you appreciate that I’m still learning and growing. I want nothing but peace and love for everyone (except Nazis and white supremacists and homophobes and people that look down on the poor and homeless.)
Those kind of people can eat a bag of rancid, unwashed, syphillis ridden dicks. Seriously. Eat the whole bag. Close minded evil mother fuckers. Nasty dirty dicks in your Nazi mouth.
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