#ShortStoryInPictures #Fiction #NotReal #Geopolitics #Funny


Once upon a time Israel decided to take back their encroached territories. 🇮🇱
An absolutely feckless country that wanted to show its prowess tried to show its might by saying it condemns Israel's plan to take back encroached territories. 🇮🇷
Suddenly in Iran a petrochemical factory catches fire "in series of spontaneous events".

Next 🔥🔥🔥 at a nuclear facility in Iran
Obviously this is a fictious story and Israel or Mossad has nothing to do with it as confirmed by the latter 🙃
As per my research and analysis I've come to the conclusion that these ACCIDENTS are definitely of #Kudrati nature 🐶
Meanwhile Israelis are just camping and enjoying marshmallows 🏕️ when suddenly
just 2 hours back today 7 boats in Iran caught fire at a shipyard in Iran.

I'm sure that these boats were 💯 not strategically important and the fire was of #Kudrati origin
But then again 😜😜😜👀👀👀 marshmallows are inflammable I think 🤭😉💥🔥🔥🔥✨
That's it for now. Gn folks💤
It ain't over till it's over 🔥💥✨🤷
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