thread of things hyunjin has done that shouldn’t be real but they are
While the other 1/3 members were tossing candy to orbits in the crowd, Hyunjin was pitching it at them. She accidentally hit an orbit with candy.
In the middle of a global pandemic, Hyunjin was offering licks of her ring pop to orbits at a fansign & then got scolded by the manager. Lmao
Hyunjin went to see the movie Joker and was in the movie theater cackling at parts of the movie that no one else was laughing at. When the joker laughed she laughed with him. Then she recommended it to orbits cause she thought it was funny.
She drew this webtoon artist as Voldemort.
Then when Hyunjin saw a random bald dude walk up to have his portrait drawn, so she told the webtoon artist (who is also bald) that his friend was here. Lol
The oldest loona members let the youngest ones do yaja time aka not use honorifics aka talk shit for a few minutes. So Hyunjin took the opportunity to tell Yves to wash her eyeballs and go look for it (whatever was missing) again.
Hyunjin laughing when she saw Gowon crying at loonaverse
Hyunjin having a GOOD time & laughing at all the other members as they were crying during Loona's first win.
Hyunjin asked the camera person to go downstairs to film doing her doing this lol
Hyunjin said if she was in a movie she'd want to die at the beginning of the movie to make a big impact. And that she wanted to be snow white because she wanted to die and come back plus go through other "unusual situations" 💀
For some reason Hyunjin's brother's dog Charles can drive a car and drives often. I can't help but think that she had something to do with teaching him this, knowing her lol. 🤔
Hyunjin said she saw something in the plants but it was nothing. 🥴😂
According to Hyunjin, horror movies about fish eating people are summer movies. Jaws & Piranha are her movie recommendations for the summer.
Hyunjin's April fool's prank last year was telling the other members and the staff that she was leaving BBC.
She saved a Bald edit of herself lol.
A video of Hyunjin thinking went viral and has 1 million views 🧠
She got drunk off of one beer and had to go sit in the car
Hyunjin drinking an iced Americano in 0°C (33° F) weather with no coat on.
Hyunjin went to pick up trash dressed like a princess.
Hyunjin taking orbits' phones record selfie videos despite orbits not being allowed to record at the event & BBC kicking people out later at the other units' shows for recording lol
Hyunjin bragging about how boys and girls at school used to line up in the halls to see her
Hyunjin pretending her icecream ain't taste right so she could eat other people's. Hyunjin you ain't slick....😂
They told loona they could take home anything on the shelf, so as the other girls grabbed ramen, Hyunjin grabbed a pot.
The hosts asked her if she got her good genes from her parents. She said her mom told her that she was prettier than her & men used to line up for her. Then Hyunjin said she saw the old photos & wasnt sure about all that. 🥴💀🤣
translationCr. Orrery_nim
One time, Hyunjin & Yeojin covered up the CCTV cameras so they could break a scale because they didn't want to be weighed anymore. So they took turns jumping on it until Hyunjin finally broke it. Then BBC trifling self bought another one. 😭
Hyunjin being genius that she is nominated ppl with lots of money (YG, Digipedi, & Kim Hwa Young) to do the ice bucket challenge so they would donate towards building Korea's first ALS Hospital. She got YG trifling self donate $ 45,000 dollars.
The time that Hyunjin pulled Chuu outta traffic/saved her from getting hit by a car.
Hyunjin asked an orbit who their favorite member was & when they said her, she said they was lying and asked them to answer questions about her. 💀🤣
Apparently, Hyunjin has more pictures of bread and cartoon characters saved in her phone than selfies.
She says she would be either a robber or a baker if she wasn't in loona and she thinks stealing is fun. 🤪 Apparently she's been practicing it for a while.
Sees a camera, does this.
Hyunjin said if she ranked first then she would roll around on the ground. Then she ranked first and immediately got down and rolled.
When Hyunjin put her hand out to give Soomin a fistbump but she didn't see it so Hyunjin fistbumped herself instead.
Describing an In n out milkshake as the best version of cold medicine
Hyunjin went viral for not knowing how to use this pen
Hyunjin also went viral for catching the money midair as it flew out of this money gun
A few seconds before this her mom told her she was always with her but Hyunjin said, you aren't here now lol Then she told her that she's always there and Hyunjin started looking around. She so goofy lol
Hyunjin's assigned animal is a cat and she found out she was really allergic to them while filming with one. Yet that doesn't stop her from trying to play with every stray cat she sees lol
End of thread 👀👀While y'all are here, let me plug in my Hyunjin's Good at everything thread, for those who might be interested. This girl is so talented in so many ways.
Also, If y'all wanna see more of the interesting stuff Hyunjin says. Here's an entire thread dedicated to that lol
Lastly I would like to give credit to the translators and owners of all this content:
orrery_nim, gointosubbit, hyecula, twicetagrarn, bkinwonderland
One more thing: Along with being funny & talented at a multitude of things, Hyunjin is such a sweetheart & she looks out for & cares for everyone esp her members 🥺 she's such a thoughtful & caring person & I hope more ppl will begin to see that about her.
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