The man who raped me knew my sex. And the man who raped me didn’t wear a condom. So before I could go home and bawl my eyes out in the shower I had to go to the drug store and buy spermicide and squeeze the tube inside me in the cab on the way home.
I know my sex. I know what it is to live in a female body. My understanding of my position comes from my lived experience. And there is nothing any man can do to, no logic he can use, no argument he can make that can erase my lived experience.
Men can't become women. Men have no understanding of what it means to exist in a female body. So no man can "feel like" a woman. Women know this in our bodies. We know it from our lived trauma and from our uniquely female experiences. We know it in the organs of our sex.
This is why we will never submit, always resist, the male entitlement which seeks to name us and claim us and force access into our single sex spaces & sports. Fuck any man who would try to transgress my boundaries! It is we who have been traumatized that will now lead the way.
The man who stole my boundaries taught me to forever protect them. I will never give them up. You can't shame me out of my boundaries or plead with me to be kind. For myself & for my sisters, I will fight with everything in my bones to protect the sex based rights of women!
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