1. Pepe the Frog is getting quite old. Adopted by "ironic" racists and trolls in the mid 2010s.

Even Donald Trump once Tweeted himself as Pepe once.

(Thread) (Reposted)
2. A Groyper is a larger, fatter, relative of Pepe.
3. The people who call themselves Groypers are essentially provocateurs, extremists, ideological activists and trolls.
4. Groypers look to seed, mainstream and subtly introduce white nationalist and neo-Nazi themes into public discourse.

5. One method is to introduce "soft" versions of their extremist views into the mainstream, by manufacturing conflict.

Or warping online & real-world discussions. To introduce "bridges" from vanilla right wing, or moderate people, that can others toward fascism & racism.
6. Groypers can monopolise and flood event discussions.

They overhwhelm online comment sections with anti semitic and extremist comments.

They want to be argued with and rebuked.

The conflict generates attention which draws people in and radicalises them.
7. So when the BBC made a Youtube video about George Floyd, they might have been a little confused, or depressed at the reaction.

It was bombarded instantly with 100s of thumbs down votes and a deluge of angry, racist, comments.
8. The comments were extreme.

But oddly...repetitive.

With the same themes over and over.

Like the repeated claim that George Floyd died of an overdose rather than killed by a policeman.

Almost like they were repeating talking points from elsewhere.
9. "Defund the BBC" and "cancel your TV license" made an appearance, as is tradition.
10. Greengrocer's, or Groyper's, apostrophe.
11. An angry Greek man.
12. The less logical the comments were, the better.
13. It went on.
14. And on. And on.
15. Is that a Groyper? đŸ€”
16. Some poor person at the BBC must have had to have made a vague stab at trying to delete and block some of them.

They don't pay you enough, brave intern!
17. News orgs often rank success by how many views or "traction" their work gets.

Youtube's algorithm takes "thumbs down" votes into account, hiding this video and limiting its audience.

So their work won't generate many clicks now.

Perhaps the BBC will self-censor next time.
18.Was this a spontaneous outpouring of Neo-nazi hatred?

Absolutely not.

The "Patriotic Groypers News Room" channel on Telegram (pictured) has a thousand or so committed Groypers.
19. They were directed, from their channel on Telegram, to thumbs down/dislike, comment and manipulate the BBC's George Floyd video.

The trolls were guided to attack the video, within 40 minutes of the BBC posting it to Youtube.

So it never really stood a chance.
20. Plenty of "patriotic" and similar Telegram groups directed their 1000s of trolls to attack the George Floyd video, almost simultaneously.
21. This invisible organising and manipulation of comment sections is designed to depress, infuriate and generate conflict.

To drown out normal voices and make it seem like "everyone's racist".

Casual visitors to the BBCs Youtube page had no space left to make normal comments
22. These groups organise these attacks against certain groups, all the time.

Like this one.

Notice a theme here?
23. Did the BBC realise this tsunami of racism and provocative baiting, was actually coordinated by a relatively small group of activists and extremists?


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