gonna completely skirt around art discourse rn and just say this: if you want a job in an industry, or a lot of freelance options, you might want to consider not being virulently aggressive and hostile online
contrary to popular internet culture, there ARE ways to disagree w someone or point out the fatal flaw in what theyre saying without burning bridges you havent even crossed yet
** i specifically mean this in response to like, art things. not disagreements about basic human rights (as an example). before someone misunderstands this lol
also like...youre gonna meet people in various industries who disagree with you, will not see eye to eye with you about certain topics and you seriously cant just attack people for that. its not healthy and will not help you
i ESPECIALLY want to emphasis this for teens. internet culture permeates everything these days. you WILL hurt your chances if you dont learn how to interact with people in a healthier, less aggressive way online
you will literally never even know if your aggressive behavior was the cause of you not getting a job. art industries are small, all it takes is for a couple of people to be put off by your behavior. then other people will be recommended for jobs, or ppl might be straight up-
warned about you. this info came directly from my old industry profesh professors btw. the main point being: be fucking civil. be kind when it applies. dont be out for blood when the situation doesnt call for it
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