The Genious of @pjrvs' $200k/year E-course Sales Funnel

Chimp Essentials is a 50-hour video course teaching how to use @mailchimp to build a business.

The annual revenue is 200k and the sales funnel is almost entirely automated.

This is how it works.
*Top of Funnel: Well-researched blog content*

Google anything Mailchimp related, and you'll find at least one blog post from CE on the first page.

Posts are targeting the most common things people ask Google.

Internally linked to each other, creating topic clusters.
Here's where it starts to become interesting.

*You can't sign up and pay for the course today, even if you wanted to.*

On the first page, and at the bottom of each blog post, there's a box for getting notified next time it opens.

Paul wants to be able to control the customer's sales journey.

✅ He captures the leads and creates a communications channel.
✅ Controls which information they receive before seeing the sales page.

He can build interest and show value before revealing the cost of the course.
📧 Email #1: "Hi!"

At the very start of the email sequence, Paul makes sure you are in the right place.

A well-crafted sales funnel is weeding out the people that won't buy in the end anyway.
By managing the expectations, he is not wasting his or your time.

He also ties this email together with the next one, maximizing the chance of you sticking around.
📧 Email #2: "Zero to 35,000 subscribers."

Paul explains how he too started at zero.

A few years later, he is pulling in 400k/year thanks to his mailing list.

Painting a picture of your life before vs. after you solve the problem is an efficient way to build interest.
📧 Email #3: "Everything you've read about Mailchimp is a lie?"

Paul's aware many people have doubts about Mailchimp.

Before anyone will consider buying the course, they need to trust the tool it'll be teaching them to use.

Email 3 debunks the most common myths about Mailchimp
📧 Email #4: "Get the Mailchimp knowledge you need from a business-focused Mailchimp expert"

With all doubts removed and the thriving future in sight, Paul now starts to show *how* he can get you there.

He's positioning the course as a *short-cut* to the solution.
This email is filled with social proof.

Knowing that others already approved of a product is extremely important - we never want to be the first.

He lets you know you can skip the line. You don't have to wait until the course opens publicly again.

If you act fast.
📧 Email #5: "Want to start Chimp Essentials today?"

As promised yesterday, you have a 24-hour window to buy the course at a discount.

Creating a feeling of scarcity and urgency will make more people act now - instead of waiting (and probably forget about you).
📧 Email #6: "Last chance for instant access."

As a final reminder, just before the time runs out - he'll poke you one more time.

If the funnel is optimized and communicates the value for your target market - two times is enough.

If they haven't made the jump, they won't.
🔑 Key take-aways:

🔹Create highly targeted, ever-green content.

🔹Make people understand how your product will change their lives.

🔹 Create a feeling of scarcity and/or urgency.
Each week, we send a real-life case-study, dissecting the most successful email marketing tactics from startups and entrepreneurs.

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