The criminal justice system breaks my heart. Policy makers know that misogyny is embedded in the police & the courts, and then people wonder why survivours don’t go to the cops, because the cops will humiliate you after you’ve been abused & the courts will further degrade you.
Seeing men who have been exposed as abusers filing defamation law suits, and knowing that they’re likely to win because of the way the justice system is set up, is beyond demoralizing. It entrenches violence. It traps women & victims of abuse. It lets us know that we can’t win.
Watching how women have been exposing their own victimization at the hands of abusers, and seeing how they are being believed, at face value, by complete strangers online, is a HUGE shift. This terrifies abusers. Now they want to sue women for speaking truthfully. #SueUsAll.
I believe Lerato. I beleive Ntsiki. I believe Penny. I believe the women who spoke about their abusers on The List. I believe survivours until proven otherwise because the justice system is broken. Until it gets transformed, the justice system is being used as a tool of misogyny.
Can they sue every person who believes a survivour? Can they sue everyone who retweets? Can they sue every survivour who does an interview? More damage is being done by propping up a rotten system. I don’t want to see, hear, read or support the work of abusers anymore. #SueUsAll
We had a whole rapist as president. A president assaulted one of the greatest revolutionaries this country has ever seen on national tv. A president was outed in parliament as a beater in Feb. We know these stories. These stories police us in silence. We are tired. #SueUsAll
You turn on the tv, you see abusers. You turn on radio, you hear abusers who have built massive careers on a foundation of degrading and discarding women. Corporates endorse them. They get lifetime achievement awards. This is a form of subjugation. #SueUsAll
Could we make misogynist abusers pay reparations? What is the cost of not having freedom of mobility as a woman? What is the cost of abuse at work, to your mental, physical & emotional health? Can we attach monetary values to this? Can we make abusers pay real cash? #SueUsAll
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