🔸How to be on Twitter AND be good at FPL (thread)

I’m having my worst season in years, and I think a small reason for that is I’m now part of the FPL Twitter community.

I have recorded what I’ve learnt, and hope other learn from it too.

⬇️10 lessons follow:
1. The FPL Twitter community is tiny

It makes up roughly 0.01% of the FPL game. So being worried about what others are doing or that your player isn’t a differential anymore is crazy.

Bandwagons and mass culls could easily be group think. Stick with your gut.
2. Don’t make moves to impress

I’ve done this a few times this year. “I’ll get this guy and if he bangs I’ll gain followers”.

It’s a slippery slope that finds you ruining your squad and going against solid logic.

Get players for the right reasons.
3. Nothing wrong with template

So often on twitter, or in chat groups, you get called boring for doing a ‘template’ move. You then get put off and don’t do it before being punished by that player.

Template moves are usually template for a reason. Don’t be put off.
4. Nothing wrong with hits

People can berate you for taking, or suggesting to take, a hit.

Again, it puts people off doing them when they could be completely justified. You know why you’re doing it, if it’s well thought out then it can work!
5. Decide moves, then chat

Something I’ve started doing. I look at my team, decide what moves I want to do and THEN chat in a group.

Too often can you be talked out of something that made perfect sense ten minutes ago. And then be punished.
6. Make your own decisions, own them

Some people are on twitter to have their decisions made for them. They will never grow as managers if they keep doing this.

Make your decision and own it. If it pays off it feels 10x better. Trust me.
7. People on Twitter are idiots

Seriously. It sounds harsh but most people don’t know what they’re talking about. They recycle things they’ve heard or just know how to argue well.

If you’ve seen something and believe it to be relevant, don’t let someone else deter you.
8. Always play your own way

There are some fantastic accounts on twitter who have fascinating ways of playing the game but be careful.

Their level of detail will be immense compared to what you actually see. Sometimes trying to imitate badly can leave you burned.
9. Watch games, make your own opinion

It’s no good just believing what people write on twitter. They have their own agendas and biases.

Watch the games and see if what people say is true. Then you can make your own mind up.
10. Don’t believe all ITKs

The worst possible move to make is ditching a player based on a fake leak. Or because of rumours of rotation.

Know the best guys to follow, the rest is noise. Seriously, give them no attention at all.
So that’s my list.

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed it. I’ve learnt a lot this year and will play my game a lot differently next year.

The FPL Twitter community is a wonderful place but it won’t automatically improve your game. Hopefully this list helps you too.

Good luck! 👍🏻
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