It's mind blowing reading how Addis Ababa modernized after the Battle of Adwa.

This was due to Emperor Menelik's fascination with technology & innovations, and an unprecedented period of peace in Ethiopia.

A thread on the many developments at the time!
Queen Taytu established the city of Addis Ababa in 1886. The settlement rapidly grew with an estimated 70,000 permanent residents and ~50,000 temporary inhabitants allowing for a degree of specialization of labor seen nowhere else.
The growth of Addis Ababa saw the construction of the earliest modern bridges since the land around the capital had many ravines that would fill up during the rainy season.

One of the first bridges was built by the Russians after one of their own drown.
Menelik instituted the country's first currency which was minted in Paris.

The new money bore the biblical motto "Ethiopia stretches forth her hands to God " as well as effigies of Menelik & the Lion of Judah 🦁
1894 witnessed the issue of Ethiopia's first postage stamps which also had Menelik & the Lion of Judah.

This enabled Ethiopia to join the International Postal Union in 1908. This was the first international organization the country was admitted.
Menelik also granted a concession for the construction of Ethiopia's first railway linking Addis Ababa with Djibouti, greatly expanding Addis Ababa.

Railway construction was accompanied by the installation of the country's first Telephone & Telegraph line.
A major development was the introduction of the eucalyptus tree from Australia.

The tree grew so fast that it solved the serious shortage of firewood in Addis Ababa which led Menelik to abandon moving the capital to Addis Alem in 1900.
The country's first modern hospital was set up in 1896 by the Russian Red Cross in Addis Ababa.

The country also saw the development of its first modern roads. One linking Addis Ababa with Addis Alem and the other linking Harar with Dire Dewa.
The bank of Abyssinia was created in 1905 which handled most of the emperor's commercial affairs. The bank also issued paper money, inaugurated in 1914.

The country's first government hotel, known as the Etege, was established by Queen Taytu in 1907.
The first modern school, Menelik II school, was established in 1908 which taught in French.

Menelik dispatched youngsters to study in Switzerland in 1894. Others were later sent to Russia due to the Orthodox and monarchial traditions.
A state printing press was established in 1911 and published the first Amharic newspaper, Aymro.

A hydro-electric lane and cartridge factory were established in Aqaqi & saw mills in Mangasha forest, west of Addis.
A water pipe that ran from Entotto mountains to the palace compounds was made.

The water had to travel upwards for part of its journey & amazed the people so much that a poet exclaimed "even water worshipped Menelik." 🙌🏾🙌🏾
A large clock was installed on one of the palace buildings. It was visible from afar and chimed every hour.

This enabled Ethiopians for the first time in their lives to go to work on time 😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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