This thread is for me. I intend to bookmark it and tweet it to the Trumpers who want to 'educate' me about stuff. I'll do it at the first sign of, "But Democrats started the KKK..."

Can't help but save time, right? I'll add to it as other things come to mind.

"But Democrats started the KKK and Lincoln was a Republican, so you're foolish to be a Democrat."

I'm less worried about who started the KKK and more concerned with were the KKK continues today. A good way to tell is to listen to just who is still defending the Confederacy.

"None of that stuff is true. You've been brain-washed by CNN."

I'm see more evidence around me that what CNN says is true true than I can find for Fox. As a matter of fact, Fox says a lot about me that I know is untrue, so I'll stick to CNN.

"You lie about Trump because you've hated him all along and you're mad because Hilary lost in 2016."

I have no reason to lie. I didn't vote for Trump but was willing to give him a chance when he won. My dislike of him now is because of what he's done since taking office.

"Trump is the best president we've ever had."

There may be benefits to you that I'm not aware of, but he certainly isn't best for me. The number of things he has done to undermine our system of government is too great to list in a tweet.

"You hate him because he doesn't mince words, he tells it like it is."

He tells it like a lot of KKK members want it to be. That's why they, and other white supremists stand so staunchly behind him.

"You're just mad because he's so good at owning the libs."

Although I understand that this item is high on your list of great presidential abilities, it isn't something I find myself concerned about.

"Obama golfed more than Trump does. Were you bitchin about him? I doubt it." (direct quote from today)

You can have your own opinions about Obama vs. Trump, but you can't have your own facts. Trump has spent 365 days golfing on his own properties at our expense. Obama has not.
"The radical left has a socialist agenda that will destroy this country."

There's nothing radical about wanting government of the people, by the people and for the people. It only sounds radical because of the many years of government of, by and for the rich people.
"Instead of accusing Trump of everything under the sun, you people should be investigating Obama!"

That's an excuse against doing something effective to save us from Trump's incompetence, not an actual reason. Trump is president, he should act like it.
"That's just another hoax like the Russia, Russia, Russia thing."

Since we're talking about Trump, it probably is related to Russia. You think that was proven to be a hoax because you watch Fox. The rest of the world knows that it isn't. Google, and read, the Mueller Report.
"do you have any evidence of the claim your making? cause i was a democrat until 2016 then i switched parties. so when did i become a racist? when i filled out the voter registration card?"~ a tweet today

My guess is that it happened before 2016 or you wouldn't have switched.
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