Really interesting stuff in @edwest new book on how liberals tend to shun authoritarian/masculine self-identity, which reminded of this tweet on how educational leadership can be hostile to working class culture
Other interesting insight is on parenting styles, with conservatives tending to be more authoritarian and liberals tending to be more consensual/discursive
As a kid, getting a dressing down (to put it nicely), or watching a mate getting a dressing down, was standard, and yet when I think about it I don't think I've ever seen this happen in my adulthood, even though I have seen lots of the collab/discursive. Different circles now?
For education, this is actually quite important. The culture clash I have spoken about in education - where liberal graduates educate and engage with not-so-liberal non-graduates - surely exists here as much as anywhere else
And principally on issue of behaviour (though not only there - other wider mores and values too). The debates I've seen @oldandrewuk get hammered over have often boiled down to this very divide, and a liberal consensus not used to or comfortable with such 'authoritarian' values
In other words, education tries to create and impose a value systen that downplays those traits and characteristics that are seen as not only normative but even desirable in working class culture.
And in so doing the predictable results harm working class cultures that cannot pay, or do not have the social capital, to mitigate the fallout.
When you look at things from this direction, you realise so much literature on good leadership in education is really just telling you to be less like the people you grew up with
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