This is such an awesome writeup, but it's missing one thing - remediation steps

Some AD admins may know how to fix these issues, but it's fair to assume some do not.

I'd also highly recommend using PingCastle by @mysmartlogon as it audits most of this and more.

Thread time!
1) Remove user rights to join devices to AD

Powershell: Set-ADDomain -Identity <Domain> -Replace @{"ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota"="0"} -Verbose
GPO: Modify Default Domain Controller Policy and remove Authenticated Users from the user rights assignment (1st pic)
ADSI: (2nd pic)
Instead, consider setting up bind accounts per tier/group/service and delegate to appropriate OU's:

Also, change binding to create objects in an OU with strict policies:
redircmp "OU=Bind,DC=Domain,DC=Com"

redirusr can be used for users if you want.
2) Clear adminCount for non-admin accounts

Run with proper permissions, control click to select ones to clear, click OK, confirm)
Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(admincount=1)(objectclass=user)" | Out-GridView -PassThru | Set-AdObject -Clear @('admincount') -Confirm -Verbose
4) Service accounts in privileged groups

Look, most apps claiming to need Domain Admin to work are lying to you.

Vendors that do this are lazy and care more about their support time than your security.

Consider using gMSA's with least privilege possible
5) Extended rights

I'd start with Bloodhound to remove most risky first, then run this script:

$securityreport | Select IdentityReference, ActiveDirectoryRights, OrganizationalUnit, IsInherited -Unique | Export-Csv -Path "path" -NoTypeInformation
7) Password never expires

Get-ADUser -Filter { passwordNeverExpires -eq "true" }

Convert service accounts over to gMSA's if you can

Many credential vaults from vendors like CyberArk, Thycotic, etc. can rotate strong passwords for you on any AD accounts you need. Evaluate them!
8) Accounts with no password

Holy crap - give them a password...

9) AD Passwords stored using reversable encryption

Get-ADUser -Filter { userAccountControl -band 128 }

Ask why, and if no one knows, create a new account to test replacing it with at your next opportunity.
10) Storing passwords using LM Hashes
Set GPO to NTLMv2 only, no v1 or LMHash (see pic)

11) Accounts vulnerable to AS-REP roasting

Get-ADuser -filter { DoesNotRequirePreAuth -eq "True" }

Ask why no Kerb preauth and fix like above. Kerberos Armoring should also help here too.
12) Weak password policy

CIS guidance of 60 days is too short

My recommendation (in order):

- Reject weak passwords (covered later)
- SSO all the things
- Increase length to around 16 characters, remove complexity, and push phrases/sentences
- 1 yr expiry
- Hashcat your users
13) Inactive accounts

Know your envinronment. I have thousands of accounts that go inactive depending on time of year or what the user signed up for.

Make flexible policies based on needs. This is 90 days:
Search-ADAccount –AccountInactive -TimeSpan 90.00:00:00 -UsersOnly
14) Privileged accounts with old passwords

Use fine-grained password policies so privileged, interactive users have stricter requirements

Use gMSA or cred management solution to ensure service account passwords rotate often.

Create new accounts for new installs. Don't be lazy.
16) Passwords in Group Policy Preferences
This has been blocked for a long time, but legacy GPO's still exist

Quick tool to find them: 

Consider new policies for each version of Windows (use WMI filters, add security baseline) to deprecate old policies.
And for all that work, there's infinitely more to properly securing Active Directory.

Check out the content by the folks I've mentioned in the thread as that's a huge part of where I've learned what I know.

Last thing - be willing to ask questions. Smart people ask questions ;)
You can follow @NathanMcNulty.
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