I'm aware that some people who support me in my fight for trans rights do so because they, consciously or unconciously, see me as an 'acceptable' trans person. I write for kids, I dress 'normally', I like God, and old buildings, and can pass as cis - and I have something to say:
That thing I just described is part of what's known as "acceptability politics" - the idea that if a member of a minority were just 'more normal', if they just 'fitted in', then they'd be okay, they'd get rights.

That's not okay. And if you feel like that you should analyse why
If you accept me because I seem 'normal' and 'nonthreatening', but you don't accept another trans person because they "don't pass" or they "dress weird" or "they do drag", or whatever other reason you may have - then you don't accept me. You don't accept trans people. Not really.
I understand WHY people feel like this - it's part of a problem far bigger than trans rights - it's part of the demonisation of the 'other', a problem that permeates society so utterly that everyone will have to tackle it at some point in their lives - but you HAVE to tackle it.
Nobody's rights should be conditional on them changing who they are, or toning down their self expression in order to seem 'acceptable' to the majority.

Requesting people do so is unacceptable, and it's a problem you're gonna have to face if you truly want to be an ally.
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