Number 1️⃣ in the world: (Thread) 💭

While preparing for next season I started to look at the number 1 in the world and how he has played this season.

Joshua Bull has obviously had an amazing season but what has he done that we can learn from and take into next season❓⤵️
Some things I noticed while looking at his gameweek history: 👀

- He has not taken a hit all season long

- He has very often kept his transfer so that he has 2 FT next gameweek and has even burned a transfer 2 times

- Played his first wildcard in GW18
- Still has his 2nd Wildcard and Free Hit left

- His lowest gameweek score since the restart is 86

- Benchboosted in GW30+ and got 13 pts with only 1 player on the bench delivering points (Doherty)

- Triple cap in DGW24 on Salah

- Didn’t own a Wolves player until GW29
Players that he has really liked:

Vardy (owned for the entire season)
Pope (owned for the entire season)
KDB (owned for the entire season)
TAA (owned for the entire season)
Salah (owned for the entire season except 1 GW)
Lundstram (owned from GW1-GW34+)
Pereira (owned from GW9-GW30)
Ings (owned from GW14-)
Martial (owned from GW3-GW4, GW11-GW15, GW18-)
Dunk (owned from GW1-7, GW22-25, GW34-)

Other notable players that produced great points for him:
David Silva
Salah: 15 times
Vardy: 8 times
KDB: 4 times
Kane: 3 times
Rashford: 2 times
Bruno: 2 times
Martial: 1 time

Total pts: 508
Players he has never owned during the season:

Digne (until this gw)
📖 Summary:

So what can we learn from looking at all of this? With him not taking any hits he has instantly earned 32 points on me for example who has taken 8 hits.

Having basically had 5 players still in his team that he had from GW1 is also something that stands out.
If you look back at your GW1 team, I don’t think many people can say that they have 5 players that they have kept the entire season (I have 1).

This means that he hasn’t had to waste transfers to get these players in and out and I am very impressed by this. Why? Because at the
the start of the season, in his first 5 GWs he was around 500k and could have very easily played his wildcard and gotten rid of some of these players that then ended up helping him to climb the ranks.

In other words he hit right with most of the players that he had in his...
GW1 team and with his GW30+ restart team and has had patience. Hasn’t gone for many differentials at all and has had great captaincy success switching between Salah and Vardy ©️
Hopefully you learned something from this thread about how the number 1 in the world has played this year...

Could may be some parts that you and I can learn from and take into next season 😀👊
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