It's sick that fans are so ready to cancel their faves for every tiny thing they (supposedly) did wrong, immediately forgetting everything good they also did. And when they're cancelled, they suddenly become ugly and untalented, even if only yesterday you worshiped them (1/6)
So I think it's the time we all learn that celebrities are PEOPLE. They're not perfect. They CAN do something wrong. They make mistakes, there're things you don't know about them and they don't owe you anything (2/6)
It's your choice whether believe or not. It's your choice whether continue stanning or not. I'm against blindly supporting a person and idealizing them but I'm also against spreading hate, especially if you don't have enough evidence (3/6)
And even if you have evidence, why not just make conclusions for yourself and move on? You think they're SO bad? Then why you keep talking about them? Why you keep dedicating your time to them? Isn't it easier to just leave them alone? (4/6)
I believe it's wrong to not admit that your fave did a bad thing (obviously, if it's real and confirmed). But it's okay to still love and stan them! It's okay to not too. It's your opinion. There's absolutely no need to make a huge drama, spread hate and fight each other (5/6)
I guess that's what I think about cancel culture in general. Apply to any fandom and any recent situation. Be reasonable and kind, please xx (6/6)
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