Yuri Bezmenov - Cannot subvert an enemy that cannot be subverted. Can only be successful when the agents of subversion has a responsive target. The US is a responsive target.

Counterproductive to fight in warfare but to subvert anything of value of the country of the enemy.
Until such time, that the perception of ur enemy is so screwed up that he doesn't perceive u as an enemy &that ur system & ur civilization & ambitions moved to ur enemy as an alternative, if not desirable then feasible. That's the purpose of subversion - then u can take the enemy
What is subversion? 4 periods:
Stage 1: Demoralization

Takes 15-20 yrs to demoralize a society as it takes to educate 1 generation of students & shaping up the outlook, ideology & personality. Using various methods of various areas of public opinions (religion, education, social
...law enforcement systems, labor & employer relations).

Tactical subversion is that if the enemy is bigger than urself, it's painful to stop the direct strike, first to avoid the strike, grab the fist, and continue the movement as before until the enemy crashes into a wall.
In a free society, there are many movements within a society & there many people within a society that are against the society (criminals, ideological disagreement w/ state policy, conscientious enemies, psychotic personalities, & small groups of agents of foreign nations).
The moment that all the movements are in one direction, then it is the time to catch all the movements and to continue it until the movement forces the entire society to collapse into crisis. U don't stop the enemy, u help him go in the direction that we want them to go.
In every free society, there are opposite directions based on basic moral of principles. Six areas of application of subversion: R, E, SL, PS, LR, LO

R (religion) - destroy religion & take away from their touch w/ supreme being & replace w/ sects & fake orgs & distract them
E (education): distract them from learning something that is constructive, pragmatic, efficient. Instead of mathematics, physics, chemistry & foreign languages, teach them the history of urban warfare, home economy, sexuality, anything that takes you away from reason.
SL (social life): replace established institutions w/fake organizations. Take away responsibility that links people from individuals and society & replace with artificially controlled bureaucratic bodies. Instead of social life & friendship b/n neighbors, establish social workers
The main concern of social workers is not your family, not you, relations between groups of people but to get the paycheck from the government & the bureaucracy.

Goal of social life subversion takes people away from their natural links (family, neighbors, friends, communities)
Power structure (PS): The natural board of administration which are traditionally elected or appointed are actively substituted by artificial bodies. Bodies of people that nobody elected, never, and most of the people don't like them at all. One such group is media. Who elected?
How come the media has so much power? Almost monopolistic power on your mind. Who elected them?

How come they have the nerve to decide what is good & what is bad for the ELECTED by you, president & his administration. Who are they?
They think they know - they don't. They are enfeable snobs. The level of mediocity in the New York Times, the LA Times and the major television network. You don't have to be excellent journalists, you have to be exactly the mediocre journalist to survive & income of 100k a year.
As long as u are good or better or worse doesn't matter as long as u smile to the camera & do ur job. No competition. Power structure (PS) is slowly eroded by a group of people that neither have the qualification nor the will of the people to keep them in power but yet have power
Proxy of PS subversion is Law and Order (LO) is slowly being eroded. In new movies, police man & officer of the US army look dumb, angry & psychotic, & paranoid. A criminal looks nice, smokes hash, drinks beer, do drugs, & a nice human being & unproductive b/c society oppresses.
A general of the Pentagon is always by definition a war maniac. Policeman is rude & he abuses his power. A generalization of that nature. Mistrust of the people supposed to protect & enforce law & order. A slow substitution of basic moral principles. A criminal is not a criminal.
Finally, labor relations (LR). At this stage of 15-20 yrs, we destroy the traditionally established links of bargaining between employer & employees. Trade unions were created to protect the rights of workers from employers abusing & b/c they had more money & can abuse power.
Objective's to improve working conditions & rights of workers. Trade unions worked but now doesn't result into compromise to better workers. After each prolonged strikes, workers can't gain & only trade union leaders gain. LR subversion is delinking labor & tells u that need more
As in, labor & the fruit of your labor isn't enough and you need to consume more. Have you ever watched TV & it tells you to consume less? No, it tells you to buy more & that you deserve to buy more things & u should be dissatisfied w/ ur current consumption afforded by ur labor.
He discussed the idea of equality & the false narrative of equality. Are humans equal? Some people are short, some are tall, some are intelligent, and some not. Is equality something desirable? Anyway, I end the notes here. Listen to the lecture from 1983
Actually, let's continue. On 31:19. Here he says, when a society is that a stage of TOTAL DEMORALIZATION, as in no distinction between right & wrong, & when the leaders of church says sometimes violence for the sake of justice & social justice is JUSTIFIED & we listen & say ya.
And no, it is not true. Violence is not justified, especially for the sake of justice & social injustice introduced by Marxist Leninists. After stage 1, next is DESTABILIZATION, which is to destabilize all relations, all accepted institutions, & organizations of country of enemy.
In this stage, don't have to send an army of agents to blow up bridges, LET THEM DO IT THEMSELVES. The OVERT subversion is no longer a crime if a foreign agent professor is teaching Marxist Leninist in a university.

Economy - radicalization of human relations (can't compromise)
At this stage, all human relations break down (wife & husband go to court to solve any kind of issues, neighbors fight over court, etc) & no more compromise & fight, fight, fight in all areas of human relations.

Normally accepted relations are destabilized. Teachers & students.
Relations b/n employers & labors are radicalized. No more acceptance of legitimacy of demands of workers. Bigger the fight the better b/n labor & employers to look like heroes as relations radicalized & fights presented as normal. Instead of hating hatred, normalized as desired.
Law & order used to be where people settled their differences peacefully & legitimately, now, we're getting court cases in the smallest irrelevant cases & we cannot solve our problems anymore.

Society at large becomes more antagonistic b/n individuals & groups of individuals.
Media puts itself separate from the society, alienated. At this stage, the students (sleepers for 15-20 years) from the state trying to subvert spring to action & now the students are leaders of groups (preachers, public figures) & actively include themselves in political process
All the sudden, you see a person who demands rights (LGBT, black vs white, women rights, any issue) & then he clashes with groups of people & violence with the police. Doesn't matter the issue, just that this group needs to clash violently w/ law & order.

This leads to crisis.
A crisis starts when a LEGITIMATE BODY no longer functions & an illegitimate BODIES & NON-ELECTED (social workers, media & strange groups that want to lead society) claiming POWER. If power is denied to them, they take it by force. Crisis is when society can't function & collapse
Population at large looks for SAVIOR & A STRONG GOVERNMENT. Population is sick of it, a savior comes in form of foreign nation or local group. We have 2 outcomes: Civil War & Invasion. And after that, normalization, self appointed person doesn't need revolution & then stabilizes.
How do we reverse subversion? Why not stop at demoralization? To reverse the process from normalization requires the military. At crisis, needs strong actions & doesn't need the military. At destabilization, needs restrictions of groups that self-declared enemy of the people.
Don't elect self-declared enemy of the people into seats of power. Curb unlimited powers of companies forcing people to consume more. Self restraint. For example, can't mention buy the car now to save money. The design of our lives is not to consume more.
Deny companies of power to turn you into processors of unwanted products & turn you into machines of consumption. We need to instill the ideas of self-restraint.

Demoralization process reversal - restrict import of propaganda of enemy.

Full lecture here
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