Short of covid19 holding up a sign saying "ok Ireland well played", I don't know what people want.

Last 2 weeks, Ireland:

Tests completed: 75,548
Positive cases: 166
Negativity rate: 99.8%
ICU admissions: 1
Deaths: 12

As excellent infection control as you'd wish to see.
It's a global pandemic of a novel coronavirus and we've smashed it down to turning over rocks to try find it. For every 1,000 people tested, only 2 have it. It's like a game of Where's Covid.

We've less than 1 person dying a day from covid. 90 people die in Ireland every day.
Can it get worse? Of course it can (and WILL) because we're doing supremely well on infection control, only way is down.

It should be worse! Our rate of infection is 4 times lower than EU average and we're down near the Baltic countries levels.

We're punching above our weight.
Any spikes in infection won't be down to a few thousand intrepid American or British tourists who persisted with their holiday.

It'll be down to the resilience of coronavirus, allied to complacency - forgetting to cough into your elbow, people sneezing at a bus stop etc.
2.4 million cases in world the last fortnight.

Meanwhile Ireland are basically in "looking for a fiver in an old pair of jeans" territory with a tiny positivity rate and still people are on Dublin Airport arrivals page looking for an odd tourist to complain about.

Smile FFS.
It's a credit to entire society that we've reached this position but it's to the eternal credit of our ambulance crews, Irish defence forces and beloved geeks (medical scientists) because this sort of containment is underpinned by a successful test/trace/isolate program.
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