Simple si baat hai. When you can mock tabhliqi jamaat, you can talk about profit, why shouldn’t a comic do the same? Jab bhi laws bante hai woh sabh ke liye bante hai. You cannot make specific laws which only punish anti Hindu statements.
If you do so, pls remember, the party that you like isn’t going to stay in power forever. There will be a regime change. And when that happens they’ll use your own tatti argmts against you to fuck you up. They’ll completely ban anything that’s even remotely anti izschlam.
Your innocent harmless mockery on twitter will also be considered highly problematic and you’ll be out behind bars. And that’s not it. Mob violence against you will also be justified not only by random journalists or left intellectuals but by the Indian state.
A state who’s primary duty is to protect you will turn against you to screw you up. Kabhi vichaar karna iske bare me. Absolute free speech being problematic is a tatti argmt. Just exposes your mediocrity that’s it.
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