@EDI_DFI #ibscandal @FT @tes @guardian
Lack of transparency on methodology. Lack of transparency on selection of methodology. Did IBO actually do due diligence? Who is the external education organization IBO used? Why were they selected? What is relationship with IBO? Cost?
@EDI_DFI #ibscandal @FT @tes @guardian
Lack of review or appeal process to IBO. Queries from parents have been dismissed, pushed back to schools, or referred to FAQs. IBO has displayed no interest in the students or a sense of accountability.
@EDI_DFI #ibscandal @tes @FT
Re-marking is also raising questions. After tweeting about my daughter (re-marked, no change in <48hrs), I received replies about many similar experiences, some less than 24hrs. This is not credible. What did you do with the re-mark fees?Account pls
@EDI_DFI #ibscandal @tes @guardian @FT
All of these raise red flags about governance. IBO needs to get their governance committee to investigate and publish a full report. It has a responsibility to its stakeholders: schools, universities, teachers and most importantly, students
@EDI_DFI #ibscandal @tes @guardian
Is the IBO a genuine NPO? Is it behaving as a real charitable foundation? How has the money been used? Time for an audit and published accounts. Stakeholders demand it.
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