Pornography and Pakistan, an alarming thread:
•Porn viewership in Pakistan is increasing at an astronomical rate and there are multiple reasons behind it. From adult adds to WhatsApp groups, it's just getting out of hands. Porn addiction is harming physical and mental health.
•Yet contrary to the popular belief, Pakistan is not even among 20 top porn viewing countries, a lie that some spread without inquiry or verification.
But, but, but.......that is because Pakistan doesn't have that number of people who have direct access to Internet and devices as compared to countries who too the list.
Alarming thing is that porn viewership among females is 12% higher than males in Pakistan.
Adult adds and explicit content on internet is a huge industry. The estimated worth of porn industry is around 98 billion $ while gaming industry stands at mere 78 billion $ as of 2017. Top porn sites like pornhub outnumber sites like e-bay and Netflix in views.
But it seems like adult Industry is systematically and deliberately promoted over the internet. The ratio of total adds on websites show that adult advertisements outnumber finance, beauty, gaming and business related adds. And these adds get billions of clicks everyday.
Some chilling facts about porn industry are:
•64% boys n girls aged 13-14 seek out porn every week.
•Teenage girls browse more adult content than women aged 25 or above.
•A UK survey found 44% of male porn addicts commit domestic abuse.
•Teen pornography is most viewed.
•Atleast 30% of data curculating on internet is porn related.
•There are 624000+ online child porn traders discovered in USA alone.
•Pakistan had the largest network of child porn traders,a gang if 24 ppl, who recorded 400+ videos of 280+ kids in kasur city in 2014.
• these porn traders sold porn videos over dark n surface web to porn sites and private customers both in and out of the country.
Big problem is that teenagers are reaching puberty at younger age than usual cause of porn addiction.
Not only that, but porn addiction is also causing serious cultural issues as incest porn via media n internet is gaining more and more viewership. Pornhub, a famous porn site has been sued multiple times after kidnapped kid's rape videos were found circulating the site.
Every year over 1.2 million children go missing across the globe. Where do they go?
In Pakistan as of I know, these childrn are being kidnapped by terrorist organisations and are supplied to the houses of rich elites, judges and politicians in Islamabad as ISI report said in 2014

Please open up ur eyes n realize that these sites are molesting children and one day it could be your child as well.
@AAureilus @LailaMickelwait
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