if you knew that an ultrafinitist had arguments that you would find persuasive and convince you of ultrafinitism, would you let them speak to you?
if you knew that a flat earther had arguments that you would find persuasive and convince you that earth is flat, would you let them speak to you?
if you knew that a tsarist had arguments that you would find persuasive and convince you of the need to support the Romanov heir, would you let them speak to you?
if you knew that an Aztec cultist had arguments that you would find persuasive and convince you to publicly adopt worship of Tlaloc and Tezcatlipoca, would you let them speak to you?
you probably see where this is going to I really need to do this
ok fine

is it possible for you to believe that someone who knew that someone could persuade them of an argument already believed the argument if you knew of someone who could convince you that the person didnt really believe the argument even though they knew they would
Did you vote randomly on the previous question
Anyway here's the dumb last question

if you knew that an Nazi had arguments that you would find persuasive and convince you to become a Nazi would you let them speak to you?
oh also if you knew that an Nazi had arguments that you would find persuasive and convince you to become a Nazi even though you dont want to be a Nazi right now are you already a Nazi
was having so much fun with the 2x-meta I forgot the object level meta
What fraction of your beliefs would you say are mostly the result of something that someone influential said to you when you didn't have the ability to evaluate it critically whatever that even means and you havent questioned them since
would you say you believe those beliefs
if you push a button you will receive an infohazard that also happens to be true
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