You won’t read this in academia or media but Turkish conservatism was the largest non-violent resistance movement in Middle East

In 80 years of oppression, they never resorted to violence or even large scale street protests

From adhan ban to hijab ban, they resisted peacefully.
During the one party rule of CHP, they withdrew from active politics and focused on more long term reform.

During the democratic opening, they voted a centrist party into government in 1950s. When the government was removed in a coup, conservatives didn’t resort to violence.
Conservative Turks continued their struggle within the system. Each time they won an election or became a threat to the system, the rules of the game were changed by the secular authoritarian establishment.

But they never resorted to violence.
In 1997, when what is dubbed as the ‘post-modern coup’ took place against the Refah/Erbakan government, hijab ban introduced and conservatives were banned from politics, they didn’t resort to violence or protest.

When all their parties were closed down, they created new ones.
One may say that all Turks have a certain reverence for state. But not really.

AKP was only few years into government when self-entitled secular elites started getting annoyed.

They launched huge anti-gov protests in 2007! Why? ‘A man with a hijabi wife can’t be president’
Between 2001 and 2007, while AKP was in its peak ‘progressive and reformist’ years, secular camp launched several anti government attempts to bring down the conservatives including an electronic warning from the army, an attempt to ban AKP in court and the protests against Gul.
And who doesn’t remember Gezi? The attempt to bring down a democratically elected government through street protests.

No matter what were the excuses, it was the peak of secular intolerance and sense of entitlement.
Surely, after 19 years of AKP in power, the secular elites have reconciled with the fact that conservatives can rule if they are democratically elected? Not really.

To date, the secular elites in media, academia and politics feel like a crown Prince who was robbed of succession.
Secular ‘Beyaz Turk’ elites have best ties with the international media, orgs and academia.

That means they also get to tell the story the way they want!

That is why you will never read in mainstream discourse what you read here while it is the 101 of Turkish politics.
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