When it comes to assault on our freedom regional parties are far worse than national parties. These are brutal facts but the discourse in our country is so sullied we give our freedoms because we keep enjoying the short term pain of the supposed other.
Making bad jokes is not illegal. Call it what it is, a bad joke. But giving rape threats is illegal. And once again the discourse in this country keeps going from bad to worst. Politicians of all hues will be happy taking your freedoms away. That way they can control you.
And the joke is on us that we can't get this basic fact in our innate tribalism. The support of ideas is never the support of individuals. Free speech is an idea and in India everyone from the left to the non left does not value it. Everyone wants to become the class monitor.
For me Shivaji is the quintessential Indian hero. But I don't care if some low IQ "comic" cracks a bad joke on Shivaji or anyone for that matter. They have a right to speak about it. Why can't we start our own work? Why are we so sensitive about everything?
It shows your own insecurity and weakness. It shows you think that a comic is so powerful that the comic will corrupt the entire youth' mindset. I mean give me a break! Their own family members won't take them seriously. Maybe you are too easily triggered.
Always remember one thing, these nihilistic tendencies that we are developing in ourselves won't save our civilization. Nihilism eventually devours everyone. Build a positive doctrine narrative. Go from the stage of an internet outraging machine to a content creating machine.
But what I see in the non left is a bunch of addicts. They're stuck in the tamasic outrage & they just can't shed it. & if reminded they'll resort to abuse and personal attacks. But the fact is you're as mediocre as that LW low IQ comic. Y'all are the same, silly & mediocre.
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