Argument with libtards people wanted me to thread..

There is an underlying reality you are oblivious to & it’s so heinous & vile your fragile fantasy can’t even imagine it & you’ll-
-do anything you can to avoid that truth.
Why? Maybe because you if you realize it is true, you might have to take action & your not ready for that responsibility. Mostly it’s usually because you would have to admit to yourself, not that you were “sold a lie” but because you..
...”bought into it”.

That’s damaging to your ego so you’ll want to avoid that as most people prefer fantasy to reality. Fantasy is safe & comfortable. But to truly grow one just escape from the comfort zone & face harsh realities about not only the world but yourself.

You... revel in the thought that you watch the news & maybe went to college so that makes you well informed & maybe you donate some money to BLM or wash some black guys feet so that makes you a good person.

It doesn’t.

It means precisely dick.

You do all these things because..
...the rest of the masses who have been fed the same constant firehose of Goerbellian & Orwellian level propoganda that’s so pervasive through every aspect of your life, media, culture & echo chamber of friends & family that you are subconsciously convinced of its authenticity.
It is not organic. It is artificial & by design. It is designed by people who believe they're gods & the shepherds of humanity. They too deceive themselves into believing they are doing it for the “greater good” or “common welfare”.

Of course James Madison could give a rousing-
- oration on the evils of the invocation of the “common welfare” & the “greater good” or “necessity”.

William Pitt the younger would say “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
These arguments are the sales pitches of the most prolific & well funded, proficient & experienced conmen in history. These families have gotten grifting down to a science & art form. They are dark occultists & the quintessential nature of occultism is psychology.
the archetypal nature of consciousness & its manifestations throughout the Hero’s Journey (Hamlets Mill) They use this psychological knowledge against you like a salesman to a child. Playing upon your hopes, fears, insecurities & preferences to exploit you.

They are so...
adept at it you don’t even notice it.

When you do they gaslight you into believing it’s just your imagination or own flaws, manipulating the masses to whip you back into the field to work through peer pressure & fear of being outcast. Labeling you a tin foil hat wearing nut.
So I’ll leave off with this. I’ve spent 22 years researching & speaking with many many extremely interesting & some very powerful people. I’ve also come across some extremely world changing documents & data. None of which I can reproduce so don’t use the old “please source”
..that sauce you’ll never taste in your lifetime so take it as a grain of salt.

This world is run by some very disgusting but deviously intelligent people who have been groomed since birth, generation after generation, to do one thing & one thing only.

Enslave humanity.
But there are rules. Cosmic rules & they cannot break them without huge consequences. They know this.

The must gain a certain level of consent to not infringe upon your free will as it is the foundation for all reality.

To circumvent this rule they use the beautiful lie to..
..trick you. They have created a system of control around you that’s so pervasive & polished that like The Matrix, you rarely even notice. Your bars are gilded so you don’t see it as a cell. But I assure you.


The main overlord with the whip is your mind & its..
..misconceptions. It’s beliefs, preconceived ideas & programmed habitual thoughts. You lack self awareness so you rarely query or challenge these deeply embedded ideas you have so they are unconscious. Only expressing in speech & act as a preprogrammed response.

A few thoughts..
..become an idea, a few ideas become a belief, a few beliefs become a state of being, a few states of being become your personality. So when it comes time to change the redundancy of that cycle, because it's a subconscious program....
& 95% of who we are by the time we’re 35 years old, is a memorized set of behaviours, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs & perceptions that function like a computer program... It takes a lot of shadow work & self reflection to break those
programs. It’s not easy. But I guarantee if you do the work you will be amazed at how programmed you were. We are all programmed. Milton Erikson the founder of hypnotherapy once said that there really is no such thing as hypnosis. Everything is hypnosis.

Everything we hear, see-
-feel, think etc is all Neuro Linguistic Programming to one degree or another. Do you really thing people haven’t taken advantage of that knowledge & used it against you?

Do you really think powerful people don’t work together?

David Rockafeller said that “competition is our..
..greatest enemy.” Do you thing they don’t meet at places like Jekyl Island or Bilderberg to plot the course of global business?

Do you think they don’t use bribery, murder & pedophilia as blackmail to control the players on the grand chessboard?
...all the secret societies are simply shy rich people who have your best interest in mind?

Do you think their profit motive doesn’t conflict with your welfare or attempt at wealth? Have you ever been in the stock, metals or crypto market? Family accounts, HFT & darkroom traders
So I’ll just say this.

It’s not a “conspiracy theory “ as the CIA created pejorative would have you invoke when your ideas are challenged like the Kennedy assassination.

It’s very real & although I’m just some rando to you on twitter, if I could show you more your head would..
..explode. There are some very interesting & knowledgeable people on twitter that have a very unique & experienced understanding of geopolitical events. They usually can’t “source or cite” a lot of it.

But that doesn’t make it untrue.

I don’t want you to believe me or take my..
..word for it.

I want you to do your own research.

Beyond a google search of msm talking heads & propaganda.



Look at both sides.

I hope you all find truth. I sincerely do & sorry about the long rant. Have a good night all.
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