A thread of distilled wisdom on Investing, Trading, Personal Finance and Philosophy from @Wealth_Theory.

Read. Learn. Enjoy.

I save my money so I can spend my time.

- Wealth Theory ™
Currency is for trading assets. Assets are for storing wealth.

- Wealth Theory ™
The best things in life are free. Seek financial independence so that you can enjoy them fully.

- Wealth Theory ™
To become wealthy first you must get money, then you must get perspective.

- Wealth Theory ™
Foolish people spend capital.
Prudent people deploy capital.

- Wealth Theory ™
Time is the one price most investors will not pay.

- Wealth Theory ™
If your money isn’t working for you, you will have to work for your money for the rest of your life.

- Wealth Theory ™
How to get ahead:

Put your money to work for you, while you go work for more money.

- Wealth Theory ™
The earlier children are taught to save money the better.

The first critical wealth management skill we should learn is preservation.

- Wealth Theory ™
Until you have the ability to successfully buy fear and sell euphoria you will not beat the market.

- Wealth Theory ™
Only a fool or a god would have an opinion that could not be changed.

- Wealth Theory ™
Today’s hard lesson is tomorrow’s wisdom.

- Wealth Theory ™
Adversity doesn’t reveal winners, it exposes quitters.

- Wealth Theory ™
Wins inspire us, but it is losses that stimulate growth.

- Wealth Theory ™
The greatest failure is talking without trying.

- Wealth Theory ™
Somebody, somewhere has all the material things you want and they still aren’t satisfied.

The truth is that wealth’s greatest treasures are not things you can buy:

• Time
• Freedom
• Choice

- Wealth Theory ™
When you can retire, you are retired. Now you are choosing what you do with your time.

If you enjoy your work and your life is full, there is no reason to stop.

- Wealth Theory ™
In a world of limitless information, scrolling media feeds gives the illusion of thought.

Real thinking is done in the context of specific problem solving.

Problem solving en route to achieving goals is how wealth is built.

- Wealth Theory ™
Stairs up. 📈

Elevator down. 📉

- Wealth Theory ™
Opportunity is found in action, not in stitting and waiting.

Many opportunities have been driven away by minds who preferred to remain disengaged.

- Wealth Theory ™
Whether you are browsing stocks or shopping malls, the end result is often pointless purchases.

Buy with a purpose, not for entertainment.

- Wealth Theory ™
You don’t need to quit your job to become a wealthy investor.

- Wealth Theory ™
Owning a house gives you:
- security
- income generation options
- a hedge against inflation
- an enjoyable, improve-able investment
- collateral
- accessible equity

Don’t tell me a home is not an asset. In my opinion it is the first step in wealth building.

- Wealth Theory ™
Passion is underrated.

Outcome is overrated.

The journey is where the joy is. Most success only satisfies us for awhile and then we have to look for passion again.

- Wealth Theory ™
There is a lot of talk of “stores of value” these days.

The real SOVs in our lives are things which generate a personal, emotional response in us.

• kids
• home
• sentimental items
• traditions

- Wealth Theory ™
Retirement should not be the goal.

Freedom should be the goal, and that begins with eliminating the need to borrow to sustain your lifestyle.

- Wealth Theory ™
It can be a blessing to not come from money. Your hunger and ambition should not be taken for granted.

It’s much harder to go to war from silk sheets, and there is real honour in making your own way.

You will look back and appreciate that chip on your shoulder.

- Wealth Theory
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