Julius Caesar was born today in 100 BC. His assassination by Brutus, Cassius and other conspirators on the Ides of March is well known, but there is another amazing story about this Roman leader, something that happened when he was in his twenties!
On the way across the Aegean Sea, Caesar was captured by pirates and held prisoner. The pirates demanded a ransom of 20 talents of silver, but Caesar insisted that they ask for more as 20 talents was not enough for a man of his station. They finally asked for 50 talents.
During his captivity, he became very friendly with his captors, but would laughingly tell them that he would kill them all after he as released.
After the ransom was paid, Caesar immediately raised a fleet and pursued and captured the pirates.
He had each and every one of them crucified, his only leniency was that he had their throats cut before so that they would not suffer.
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