#WalkAway: "Hello! My name is Feliciana and I’m 20 years old.

When Donald Trump was first running for president I was 16 years old and a sophomore in highschool. I never really cared for politics before that (because previous elections I was young). At the end of my 1/x
history class they would play CNN. The biggest topics on CNN was the election and Donald Trump. At the time I could not stand him. I’m mixed, half mexican and half white. So when CNN was talking about how he was a racist and wanted to build a wall to get rid of mexicans I 2/x
was hugely against him.

Over time after watching CNN in class everyday I noticed how biased they were. How they would only show bits and pieces of clips or cherry pick things. So I decided to do my own research and to stop allowing the media to form my thoughts and opinions 3/x
for me.

That’s when I learned about drug trafficking, women & child sex trafficking, criminals, gangs, etc. that would come thru the Mexican borders. Why they had to take certain precautions because of those things. (I do believe people should come into this country legally)4/x
I found out that Hillary Clinton was wanting to make abortions up to 9 months legal. (Yes I am pro life)

I found out a lot of things that the media would twist. & because of that I became a supporter. I don’t agree with everything he says or does but he has protected my 5/x
rights. My freedom of speech, freedom of religion, pro life, the first step act, a booming economy, (before the pandemic). Things the left has constantly been attacking and trying to take away.

Once he won the media went crazy. I mean constantly attacking and bashing the 6/x
president. The straight up lies and slander! & if anyone disagrees they’re labeled, racist, bigots, etc. One of the biggest reasons I turned away was because of the hatred that came from that party. Another reason was when I told people who were democrats or left leaning 7/x
where I stood they would tell me I’m not a “real mexican.” That I should be Democrat because of my race and to me that IS racist!. To tell me I should think and vote a certain way because of my race.

I don’t consider myself democrat or republican because I do see wrong in 8/x
both sides (especially the left) but I do hold conservative veiws and do lean more towards the republican side for sure.

Anyways that’s my story and this year I’m of age to vote! & I’m voting #Trump2020" 9/9
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