a thread of things that sehun has done (or have happened to him) that shouldn’t be real but they are
starting a tiktok where this ended up being the only video on there before he deleted the account like two days later
the 200616 ig live where he not only used the lgbtq+ pride filter but went through the collection to specifically choose the gay one
when he read out a fan’s id which said sehun anus
sehun’s anus making a return in another fan’s id on a broadcast
continuation of the sehun anus universe: sehun entering a fan group chat titled “sehun anus vivi big” just to send them this selfie
just. this picture sehun uploaded of him and donghae with no context
sehun interacting with a beluga whale that honestly looks ready to fight him at any moment
when the news of kris leaving came out and sehun uploaded a picture of a question mark onto his instagram
whatever the hell he was trying to do in this video
the way jongdae and minseok were laughing when they said they wouldn’t want to date sehun if they were a girl 😭
sehun and his vlive confession to chanyeol
sehun doing an ig live in bed with junmyeon that was. interesting to say the least
#SEHUN: “i like...men”
sehun taking 100 selfies on chanyeol’s phone and saying anyone who finds his pictures should feel “very happy and blissful”
sehun waving and saying bye bye to a fan all cutely before k-wording them in pubg
sehun panting like monsieur and trying to get chanyeol’s attention while chanyeol says that sehun is like another dog he takes care of
junmyeon giving sehun commands like he’s a dog and sehun just. going along with it no questions asked
sehun being like 6’0 tall and using a pillow as a shield to protect himself from a couple of meerkats
forgot to add this earlier but yes sehun’s anus actually ended up trending
i dont even wanna talk about it but
sehun getting embarrassed on ig live when the camera switched on him and u could see his legs 💔
may we never forget
sehun being an embarrassment and checking out some random camera man
sehun and junmyeon entering on stage like This
i don’t even know where to start with this one
sehun showing off his artistic skills <3 i think i will let u all just guess what each one is supposed to be bc it’s more fun that way
the concept for their drawings was supposed to be star wars but sehun said no ❤️
my favorite thing about this is the fact that the staff member is having to drag sehun inside but he still won’t stop dancing
jongdae dancing his ass off in the back while sehun is just
there’s just something about the way he runs
gay little sehun strikes again
the crowd going silent gets me everytime
sehun just taking chanyeol’s seat instead of the empty one next to him forcing a very confused chanyeol to move
sehun checking out his costar bohyun
chanyeol and sehun playing ping pong
cinematic masterpiece i think
sehun spotted buying dessert at cafe knotted...the jokes write themselves honestly
sehun showing up on cctv camera with a shopping basket on his head
sehun deserves jail time for this and i think the back up dancer can agree
another classic with the pepero sticks
sehun and his milk poem from elementary school <3
okay so this ended up NOT being vivi but i think it says a lot about sehun as a person if people genuinely believed he would dye his dog’s fur a different color
im not gonna say anything
sehun pet play started off as a joke but im kinda scared it isn’t one anymore
sehun telling the exos about the mystery of how eels reproduce ❤️
sehun hitting himself in the head with an inflatable toy
sehun getting poked in the ass with a microphone by chanyeol
this felt like it came straight out of a movie but when bohyun taking sehun on a camping trip where he surprised sehun with the back of his car decorated in fairy lights and blankets for them to sleep together in later 😭
(part two) one of the other cast members saying it looked very “~ambiguous~” when sehun and bohyun were sitting together on the roof of the van
the way they just stare at each other after is making me lose my mind
sehun saying he uses his “handsome face to swindle men”
when he spent five hours trying to solve a rubik’s cube 💔
chanyeol revealing it took sehun 4 years to finish a book he gave him
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