Rod just can't help himself, he' feeling a little warmth beneath his feet and he hurries to team up with Andrew Weissmann to try and justify him being caught dead to right in this spy-gate coup
First off anyone that believes Mueller wrote this op-ed in WaPo needs to get their BS meter calibrated. My money is Weissmann penned this using Mueller's name, if not him Aaron Zelby, Mueller's #2.
Every time Rosenstein's back was against the wall. he's line up on the company line with Team Mueller and his old buddy Weissmann. Rod & Weissmann go back years. At the present he has no real choice, because there's no where left to hide.
Rod has been a member of Team Mueller from day one, that was all hand picked in advance, he had been emailing Zelby for weeks leading up to the appointment of Special Counsel, all the way back to the day after Comey was fired.
Before the joint session hearings before congress Rosenstein defended Team Mueler to the bitter end, even when faced with physical evidence that there was wrong doing he ran to their defense.
Independent counsel my ass, Rod just tweeted "we" "our", that's participatory, not independent.
Rod Rosenstein was the Deputy Attorney General and acting Attorney General due to Session's recusal. Independent or Special Counsel was appointed to be independent, and they were anything but, as far as Rod was concerned.
Rosenstein gave team mueller the keys to DOJ and let them run with it. Any direction they wanted to go, regardless of predication, Rod just expanded the scope anywhere they wanted to go. Rod opened the door to go after @GenFlynn son.
And just like the name on this Op-Ed in WaPo Mueller is just the name on it, trying to play on his bullshit reputation that is complete shot, and mentally he's right their with Biden on cognitive functionality.
Rosenstein as a willing co-conspirator in this mess allowed the Wittes Group to takeover the coup HQ in Main Justice and go full court press on Trump and everyone around him. They had the Tech Cuts and unlimited resources.
Henry Gibson sat on his ass in recusal and just let them takeover his Justice Department. He was one of Trump's worst decisions ever. Spicer, Preibus, McAlester, Tillerson the list goes on....
From the day Mueler was appointed, Rosenstein then had a shield he could hide behind. Appointing Mueller/Weissmann he effectively fire-walled off everyone letter Team Mueller be the reason for denying access.
When Republicans were in the House majority, they were shut out. Anytime Nunes, Chaffetz or Gowdy wanted documents or whatever they were blocked saying the Mueller had all that in his investigation and it was off limits, same for the Senate.
All declassification of documents were put on hold unless cleared through Team Mueller, FOIA requests went to a snails pace and when they were granted they were close to full page redactions, which we find out later was BS.
That's the reason once Barr was in place Trump turned over unlimited declassification powers to Barr to get all this into the open with less redactions.
We have emails now showing that Rosenstien was fully informed and kept in the loop. More and more come out every day. Rosenstein can cry "I'm not the Affiant" all he wants, he's up to his neck in this scandal.
Media leaks, all controlled by Team Mueller, none favorable to Trump and all using the same five outsources. Anything that was exculpatory in any way was buried. Rosenstien was the performing seal & he balanced that ball on his nose well.
The crux of this article about Stone if you notice they run straight to the "claimed he was in contact with Wikileaks. First off what a crock of shit, they had all Stone's raw data, they knew exactly who he was and wasn't talking to. But his bragging gave them a leg up.
Now they are still relying on that bullshit that "Russia hacked the DNC & Hillary Clinton". Team Mueller knew damn good and well they had no proof of that, but if fit the narrative so they went with it.
Every time the "Russia Hoax" takes on damage these coup plotters all run to try and prop it up and keep it alive. Because when the fork is finally put in that narrative everything they did falls to dust.
Assange is the lynch pin to all their "Red Scare " bullshit and they had to get him wrapped up in this one way or another regardless, by any means necessary.
Mueller indicts a bunch of Russians on paper and some entities, that they thought were easy because they'd never see a courtroom and he had pelts on the wall. Oops Concord decided to fight..
Concord exposed the fraudulent indictments, and Mueller's glass house was losing panes quickly. Concord beat their case and the 13 Russian cases all got dropped in the background, hoping no one noticed.
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