Chelsea Midfield (thread).

It's gotten to a place where it doesn't even make sense to try & analyze Lampard because there's zero consistency in ideas, no shape, midfield all over the place. Nowadays I even hate it when I have to say "At Derby Lampard was doing this & that."
Huddleston, Jorginho, Kovacic, Kante these are fundamentally very different types of midfielders & yet they've all played #6 for a Lampard coached team. A holding midfielder, a regista, a mezzala & a carrilero!

Firstly, allow me explain in my simplest words what a #6 is.
There are different types of #6s but principally the idea is of someone screening a back-4. You don't screen a back-4 by moving away, maybe you drift a little bit towards the halfspaces but not too far to the wings or too high into the opponents defensive 3rd.
Registas/controllers mostly play in rigid systems where they're restricted centrally; Pirlo, Busquets, Jorginho..

CDMs definitely don't go anywhere; Makelele, Casimero, Ndidi...

But there's also the option of a fluid midfield where players rotate, there's also double pivots.
In rotational midfields you find #8s switching with the #6 like PSG's 433 in 2015 Veratti ~ Thiago Motta or in double pivots were either it's two #8s like Lyon(Ndombele, Aouss) or a #8 & a #6(or holding mid).

Problem with rotational midfields is that they're hard to maintain.
Everyone needs to constantly be aware of the other & that requires a high level of tactical discipline from the players. Of course a guy like Motta or Veratti, no problem. Also may not be a problem if Kovacic was playing in a pivot with Modric (occasional double pivot at Madrid)
In fact, you could even look at Conte's Inter were Brozovic occasionally pushes up while Vecino switches but watch Chelsea rotate in midfield & it's diabolical. Kante is winning a tackle at LW to setup Pulisic for the foul in box(penalty), Jorginho is pressing the opponents CB.
All the while there's no one covering in midfield, CBs aren't sure whether to drop or push high, Barkley isn't sure how to react to Kante who's drifted wide to press. Does Barkley prepare to get into the box or drop into midfield to cover? It's a circus.
Now everyday you'll find some argument about whether or not Kante can play #6, just the other day someone sent me a screenshot of a guy who tried to argue Kante didn't play #6 for France simply from a Google lineup that has France lined up in a 4231 dfkm
Now, I don't know about y'all but Kante was definitely France's deepest midfielder & if you don't believe me you need to go back & watch the worldcup or maybe look at tracking data.

X-axis = "Average distance from goal defended(yards)". You can also check Sofascore avg positions
France played in a lobsided diamond-ish with Matuidi tucking into the left halfspace like a LW/LCM.

The question for me isn't whether Kante played #6, the question is what did the system (defensive structure) look like? We know in tactical games they practically packed a bus.
In a deep lock Kante doesn't roam as much especially a narrow midfield of a diamond or double-pivot. So he has relatively small spaces to cover & he can do that fast. In big spaces & you're looking at him trying to jump KDB(City 1-0 freekick 1st half).
So, Kante could work as a #6, albeit in a deep-block, bit like United playing on the counter which coincidentally would be absolutely brilliant for Ziyech, Werner & Pulisic.

But as things stand, Frank needs a CM who can dominate physically whilst being proactive in possession.
Ndidi has improved under Rodgers on the ball but still shit, Rice would be better if we had alternative ways to build up play like play into a target man or channel through fullbacks. I was ready to go full LamaprdOut if he'd sold Groo in January, it literally didn't make sense.
"At Derby" Frank didn't progress strictly centrally like he's trying to do at Chelsea, it's mostly through wide areas that they moved the ball(I think), fullbacks started out deeper in the build for numerical superiority then started moving up quickly when CMs got in possession.
But like I've already concluded Frank doesn't seem to know what he's doing anymore but one thing is clear Jorginho is unwanted & if so there might be a few interesting options for a swap deal if that's even remotely possible.
1: Rabiot.
A season ago I tried to hype him when he was free but y'all were on the fence for some bogus "disciplinary record". Tactically though, he's very flexible, familiar with a rotational midfield, can comfortably play #6, dominant physically & aerially & elite on the ball.
2: Bentancur.
Also flexible, perfect player for vertical play, brilliant low passer & if it was up to me I buy him instead & be done with it. Bentancur is severely underrated.

A Midfield of Rabiot/Bentancur, Kovacic/RLC & either Kante/Mount would be ideal with the former as #6.
Mount could be really interesting especially if you plan to win the ball higher(maybe the opponent build from the back & you can nullify their #6), him closer to goal is goals. But him deeper is difficult to explain because his progressive abilities might be slightly overstated.
That's my current thoughts on midfield. There's the Mpadu option but our midfield is dynamite, could kill his confidence we need someone who can take a hit. But we unequivocally have to find a new CM. Obviously, a CB would be great(Alana/Schär), and a fullback(Saka?)
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