PSA: Tomorrow at 1pm in Tom McCall Waterfront Park, wealthy white Happy Valley real estate agent / right wing lifestyle vlogger Eric Post plans to host a sizeable event under the banner of "Oregonians For Peace".
There's nothing inherently wrong with peace, but there's a reason people chant "No Justice, No Peace" at #BlackLivesMatter protests - By prioritizing a facile abstraction of "peace," people like Post sanction the ongoing & unaccountable mass murder of black people by U.S. police.
Post's reactionary incuriosity is predictable in light of his apparent gullibility. In early June, he seemingly bought into the "ANTIFA BUS" disinfo panic that nearly led to lynchings by bloodthirsty far-right media consumers. ;
A number of well known racists, white nationalists, & violent bigots have signaled their intent to participate in Post's rally. Patriot Prayer grifter Haley "White Pride" Adams is one of them.
Racist Rhodesia-enthusiast Alyssa Vinsonhaler, who likes to post Nazi memes with her Patriot Prayer antisemite friend Lilith "Drakken" Saer also plans to attend Eric Post's "Oregonians For Peace" rally.
Kareem Patton, a violent bigot who has declared his allegiance to "Team Nazi" along with Patriot Prayer neo-Nazis Ian Kramer (aka Ragnar Redbeard) and Allen Pucket (, also intends to be there.
Trust fund kid & domestic abuser Daniel Baxter Worth is another violent far-right agitator trying to make inroads at Eric Post's "Peace" event. Worth loves to make death threats online.
A number Post's would-be far-right supporters have today begun to performatively denounce him after he's softened his rhetoric into a posture which they find to be insufficiently anti-BlackLivesMatter.
The similarities are striking between Eric Post & disgraced Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson. Bored, wealthy real-estate guys with no incentive to understand history or oppression trying to build lifestyle brands & witlessly appealing to the far-right & its neo-Nazi extremities.
Another potential parallel w Gibson may be police collaboration. Eric Post (possibly an unreliable narrator) claims that PPA President Daryl Turner has offered personal & professional support for this right wing "Peace" rally.
It remains to be seen whether Post will enable & galvanize far-right organizing & fascist violence in the way that Joey Gibson did, or whether he might wisely think twice about permanently associating himself with the shame of the alt-right.
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