I actually really like this idea, more so if it could be initiated in coordination with school systems or social services. Community outreach could help our most vulnerable and solve many concerns w/ #distancelearning while limiting exposure/increasing control over environment... https://twitter.com/hkorbey/status/1281666775822880775
If systems could just invest in figuring out HOW to create the best distance learning program that attacks the problems we know exist, we would be in much better shape
Instead of trying so hard to make something work that just doesn’t.

NOW is when we need more critical and creative thinking....
✅ Get communities, churches, youth programs, Ys, social services etc., together to create learning pods where SMALL groups can get HELP with the online learning AND socialize. You limit exposure and ensure kids are getting logged in.
✅ The issue isn’t that teachers can’t create meaningful content for online learning (doctors are still doing successful virtual visits). It’s that we need TIME to prepare and we need kids ONLINE. So let’s work on equitable access and wifi
Let’s get working technology in the hands of kids so they don’t have to share or go without.
Let’s identify the kids who need home support or child care and pair them with community outreach programs. College kids home on break, social services, volunteers, vetted adults who are out of work (new substitute teachers if you will)
✅ Let’s improve meal distribution and find a way to mobilize buses to get into the community in addition to on site locations
✅ Let’s spend several months stocking PPE and cleaning supplies, and get our staff trained on how to properly clean and disinfect. We want trial runs, weekly, for several weeks to gauge sustainability of our cleaning routines. We don’t want plans that will fizzle out by 10am
✅ Let’s use unoccupied buildings to support very small groups. Again, connecting w/ the community. See how we can repurpose these buildings to let parents sign up for/request programs, support, tutoring, etc. staffed by volunteers (even if the volunteers just stream a T on Zoom)
✅ Get committees together to figure out how you can do small group activities. Virtual learning doesn’t have to mean a full shutdown of sports and activities if staff will participate. Again, 5-10 kids together is much diff than 500.
Maybe that means letting parents/kids sign up for programs that the community comes up with, like a summer camp model, only much smaller and year long
No one is saying we can’t solve some of the problems or we don’t want to support kids. All we’re saying is that bringing together 500-3000 people to be repeatedly exposed for hours on end isn’t safe.
Of course, it means the community has to first accept online learning (for now) & validate the process (As it did virtual health visits). Second, change the mindset that if we don’t have the whole school together we can’t engage any of the social extra curriculars as punishment.
The fighting, proposing, debating, deliberating all summer has been a waste of time and valuable resources. Instead of grappling for the old, we should be reenvisioning our new reality.
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