1/ Hey every1 i just want to point something out as per Wayfair: From everything able to find, & ties to CF & the that this is exactly how it was done in pizzagate, and basically what a lot of PG entails. Using in plain sight code to traffic, sell
2/ catalogue, abducted & farmed kids. In this respect the digs so far show a lot of promise, as per unveiling something heinous.


It is important to know what is about to happen via the arrest of GMax.

- There is going to be a deluge of Pizzagate stuff coming out,
3/ corroborating, all of our findings, these past years.

- The DS likes to get ahead of narratives that they deem dangerous to their cause.

The way they do this is to create a phony story, that parallels in many ways the upcoming true disclosures they know are imminent.
4/ They Know the facts, because they are guilty of the crimes. So they then play with these facts in their parallel construction. Making sure not to intersect in anyway with the real story, that will sabotage their own narrative.

Next they will get the media to show "genuine"
5/ concern for their story, even drawing parallels to the formerly "debunked" PG. Anchor sitting at news desk "Wow maybe those Pizzagaters were on to something" or similar, knowing all the while it's just bs.

Meanwhile everyone is worked into a fervor,
6/ even the great patriots that are so anxious for arrests, and the truth to be know, so fam and friends stop labelling them as crazy, and finally get on with truly MAGA.

And then when everyone is on the same page, that "this shit is fo real
7/ y'all"..Some undeniable proof that it's all just a "misunderstanding" comes out & poof it disappears. But the kicker is not only does their parallel story disappear, but the disclosures in the real PG fall on deaf or greatly desensitized ears.

And they use this tactic ALOT
8/ Now I'm not saying that Wayfair is not real, but what i am saying is we have to be sure to point out the fact that this could be a wild goose chase. It is very important to do so. But do not be bummed, because this is PG, we know that this is what it will cover. And by
9/ pointing out that Wayfair may be Disinfo, and misdirection, you still are left with a powerful red-pill, by pointing out the why of the disinfo. That if it turns out to be false, the reason it was ever propped up was as a psyop to help make PG look silly.

This is where we
10/ currently are with Wayfair:

1 -Either it is 100% a front biz for trafficking
2-Or it has been made and propped up to look like it is

From what has been gleaned so far, there is already no way this is an accident. It is either legit, or purposefully being used to discredit.
11/ IF wayfair = attempt to get ahead of PG narrative, us adding that crucial disclaimer gets ahead of their future narrative. Pigeonholing their story & limiting damage to real disclosures!

Regardless if wayfair is real or not, we know PG is, & nothing can stop what's coming.
12/ So B patient, must be measured in our coverage of this & be sure to convey the possibilities this may not be real. ONLY post fact as fact, or label clearly what we're saying as conjecture/opinion, or it will be used against.

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