thread of the last jedi's best scenes because it pisses people off and i have the time
to say that if the jedi die, the light dies, is vanity. CAN YOU FEEL THAT
rey nobody with the lightsaber she already /earned/
rey saving rose, the falcon's shadow on the salt, OOOH i like this in daisy ridley's british accent, BLOW THAT PIECE OF JUNK OUT OF THE SKY !!!! so much good stuff in like, what, less than a minute ?
the wings dolly shot on canto bight rian was not letting the girls breathe with this one !!!!!!!!!
do i even have to explain myself with this one
the rebellion is reborn today. the war is just beginning. and i will not. be. THE LAST JEDI !!!!!
this reveal making the theater go crazy go stoopid
we are what they grow beyond
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
finn went from "I'm not resistance, i'm not a hero, i'm a stormtrooper" to "REBEL SCUM" !!!!
the way rian showcased the scope of war's sacrifice while simultaneously making me emotionally attached to a character with like 2 minutes of screentime
the pure EUPHORIA i experienced. the SCREAMING of the theater. the way i STILL GET CHILLS EVERY. SINGLE. TIME
every single frame of this ending makes me cry tears of absolute hope and joy
the last jedi trailer because this is a fricken best picture masterpiece i was hyperventilating
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