Hello my lovely #Fannibals!
So, seeing how the conversation in the fandom has progressed today, I would like to open this thread to talk about the question I asked that was answered during the reunion, and how I want us all to be in the same cannel.

So keep reading please!
1. My actual question was “If Hannibal was to move to a more liberal and accepting platform like @netflix, would you (Bryan) consider exploring Hannibal and Will's story in a more cannonicaly romantic way?

My intent with this question was to ask if, without the restraints >>
2. of network television, if @BryanFuller would feel more free to explore their LOVE the same way one would explore any other ROMANTIC relationship, regardless of sexuality. This, mostly, because there is still a stigma regarding sexual orientation, but mostly m/m relationships >
3. And while is was "acknowledge" that Will and Hannibal are indeed IN LOVE, the relationship they had didn't turn entirely romantic until the very END of S3, giving us CONFIRMATION OF THEM BEING IN LOVE, but no time to explore what them being in love means >>
4. So, the way the host of the reunion phrased the question, coming literally after Mads mentioned “erotic graphic novels" (and she did say “speaking of which” basically tying the comment and my question together) MADE IT SEEM like I (us) were asking if they would explore >>
5. Hannigram sexually. While, yes, sex is a big part of romantic relationships, this WAS NOT the intent of the question, and I really hope @BryanFuller sees this and can understand what I meant by it.
I will be honest, I was ticked off at first at the reaction >>
6. Because it did seem a tad defensive, and my brain went “Oh no Bryan! don't hit that reverse pedal on Hannigram!" but upon a rewatch, and a long conversation with my friends, I understand that, the way the question was asked, made it seem we were asking if they were gonna shag
7. And as a writer, I CAN understand Bryan, from a creator point of view, developing all this character development and plots and other ways their progression is to be explored in exciting ways OTHER than their sexuality, and being asked by fans "ok but r they gonn fuck?” >>
8. WOULD be annoying, and I TOO would get a bit ticked off about it. So, while it was NOT the intent of the question it did spark the whole conversation about their sexuality and yada yada yada…
9. So, what I want to say is, even if the question came out wrong, I think it eventually got answered (beautifully) by Mads as “It really doesn't matter what their sexuality is BECAUSE THEY ARE IN LOVE” which was precisely my point. And Bryan saying he'd like to explore the >>
10. Possibilities of their relationship being explored HOWEVER Mads and Hugh would consider it appropriate, in character, and organic, IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT.
Netflix could provide a platform in which Hannibal and Will CAN LEARN to love one another IN THEIR OWN WAY
11. Which in the end is the entire point of their relationship. They're not in love because they want to bang, there is a sexual attraction BECAUSE THEY ARE IN LOVE. And the possibilities of what that love means to both of them are endless.
12. So yeah, basically:
@BryanFuller I'm sorry the question was interpreted as "We fans want them to be gay cause we want them to have sex", while we do explore the possibilities of them as sexual partners (often, very often) in this fandom >>
13. We see you, and we hear you, and we KNOW that their relationship goes WAY beyond just sexual attraction or sex. We know how much heart you've put into this story and this relationship, and at least what I was asking for, is the possibility >>
14. of their relationship to be explored and developed in the same natural and organic than ANY OTHER ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP would, taking off the pressure and restrictions of open television networks, and embracing the celebrated diversity in platforms like @netflix.
15. I hope that clarifies a little bit what was the original intent and also clarifies how both Mads and Bryan answered it: Yes, their relationship WOULD BE EXPLORED if we get a S4, and Mads and Hugh are the captains of this ship, so they decide :)
16. That is all! Thank you guys for reading this thread, and thank you @BryanFuller and @theofficialmads for answering my question so candidly and with so much love for this characters we all adore ❤️ even if our wires got a bit mixed up!
I love you all!
17. Please forgive typos and sentences that make no sense, my twitter app closed three times as I was typing this thread and I got lost between tweets :(
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