As the 21st century started, there were so many amazing fans and people OUTSIDE the wrestling business making so much great content.
The wrestlers always had the mindset on totally focusing on being the best wrestlers they could be.
1/ https://twitter.com/therealrvd/status/1281736899321753600
If wrestlers were hustling on outside projects, It’s was merely to try and market something to make money.
The idea of using the internet to grow your wrestling character just to do it with a DIFFERENT medium than the ring was rare.
Quack was someone who was great at this but he did it to grow a promotion and not necessarily himself. Helms & Harty were great early adopters.
I saw the power of dedicating myself as much to other mediums as much as to the ring.
The wrestlers who’ve influenced in this generation thru “marketing/influencing” recognized importance of using the internet as a great tool, not just another way to “scam” fans.
It took wrestlers to not worry about what the “good brothers” thought & to follow their vision.
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