a thread of jaemin being talented because he’s more than just a pretty face :
starting off the thread with his singing because his vocals are slept on, here is when he sang his lines for beautiful time live, he sounded so pretty
jaemin singing his vocal line in puzzle piece live is a blessing, he sounds amazing
this video of him singing along to candle light live is so beautiful, and you can hear how soothing and gentle his singing voice is
this video isn’t talked about much but his voice sounds so sweet here
his voice is so beautiful I hope that he has more opportunities to showcase his vocals, they are quite underrated
jaemin has the deepest voice in nct dream, his rapping voice is very attractive to listen to, his rap parts are very catchy and he has a nice flow when he raps
jaemin was rapping haechan’s part in we go up in this video, it was something different and interesting to hear because of his deep voice
jaemin is a very strong dancer, this performance really shows how powerful his dancing really is
whenever he does dance breaks, you can see how skilled he is with his dancing and how well he hits every beat
his dancing is incredible and he really is mesmerising to watch
this performance was very iconic and it shows how sharp and smooth he is with his dancing
jaemin covering the 7th sense should not be forgotten, he is so smooth yet powerful with every move he does
he possesses a lot of stage presence and it really isn’t talked about enough, it really is something else
he is insanely charismatic and captivating to watch on stage
I love this video which shows him feeling himself while being onstage, he never disappoints while performing
his gaze alone holds so much power ... his stage presence is really on another level
the fluidity in his moves and his facial expressions are really attractive, he is so captivating on stage
jaemin possesses the ability of writing lyrics and composing, he has been credited in the lyric writings of quite a few nct dream songs and he has said that he has taken interest in composing music
he is skilled when it comes to acting and looks like he has a bright future for his acting, he played a character which was the opposite of his actual personality very well
jaemin is also good at playing piano, and you can see how everyone was in awe when he was playing piano here
jaemin is very passionate when it comes to photography, and he is indeed good at it and posts every now and then the photographs he has taken of the other members on nct dream’s social media
he is also good at modelling too, he has had his own photoshoots before, including one for vogue korea
jaemin has said that he has taken interest in video editing and it is a hobby for him, he said it is very difficult and jeno has said that he’s slept late before because of how much time he spent on it, he is very hard working
jaemin is athletic as well, he used to speed skate when he was young and and he had also taken ballet before for a phase, and he’s flexible
in case you haven’t seen this one already, I’ll just add this thread of him speaking english because he’s pretty good at english and worked really hard on it :) https://twitter.com/cockjaem/status/1276540651207897089
in conclusion jaemin is so much more than a pretty face and is super hard working and talented, he can rap, sing, dance, act, compose music, write lyrics, model, he’s athletic, and his personality is amazing too he’s caring and humble, jaemin bestest boy
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