It's Saturday thread time!

This thread will make your muscles sore because it's about the following:

"How to optimize your workout."

You better not miss this or the Terminator himself will come after you! 😆

THREAD ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1. Time. ⏳

People think that a workout should last 2-3 hours before

the body can put on muscle and grow

but that's actually not the case.

The muscles grow when you're putting stress on them

and that can be done in a shorter amount of time.

It makes more sense to spend 45-60 minutes where you're

working out in higher intensity for a shorter amount of time.

But that requires you to be focused and not be on the phone,

like a zombie, all the time.
2. Protein.

Let me say this right now.

If you're not getting sufficient amount of protein you're wasting your time.

The body uses protein to rebuild the muscles in the body so

that stuff is important.

Thumb rule for gaining muscle is:

🔹1 gram protein per pound (2.2 per kg)
3. Water. 💧

The muscles in the body is made of 76% of water,

which is why it's crucial that you hydrate throughout the day

so that you can perform optimally during an intense workout.

🔹Drink at least half a gallon (2 liters) per day.

4. Carbs. 🍌

Some low-carbs maniacs will say you don't need carbs to

have energy, but that's not the case.

Carbs are the body's main fuel and you'll need that to

have high intense workouts.

A banana is a great source of high energy carbs

that you can eat before a workout.⬇️
5. Mind Muscle Connection. 🧬

You have to use mind muscle connection to target

the tension from the workout to the right muscle region.

Otherwise you'll use the wrong muscles during the exercise

and defeat the whole purpose of the exercise.

6. Form > Weight.

Training with wrong form can give you injuries and muscle

imbalances, which is why you should concentrate more on form

than on weight.

Start with lighter weight and focus on form.

Never sacrifice form for heavier weight.
7. Progressive overload.

When your form is in place, then you're able to bump

up the weight and get stronger.

That's what progressive overload is.

Gradually increasing the weight over time to gain more strength

and eventually looking like a greek god.
8. Mix it up ⚖️

To be looking like a specimen handcrafted by god, you'll need

to change your workout routine.

Your body will adjust to the stress level from the same workout

routine and the workouts won't be effective.

Change your workout routine every few weeks.
9. Enjoy it.❤️

It's not fun to workout if you hate. It's also not sustainable.

Therefore make it fun by doing the following:

🔹Listening to motivational music.
🔹Get a serious training partner.
🔹Set some goals that you want to crush.
🔹Reward yourself for working out.
An optimal workout requires discipline and focus which is why i

want to end this thread with a quote from the master of it,

Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"If you don't find the time, if you don't do the work, you don't get the results."
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