Thread: I just wanna lay out some of my thoughts on the “competition” between Kate and Meghan.
This is just my personal experience of coming to love both Duchesses 💛
I’m 23 and not British. I was too young for the majority of William and Kate’s dating years.
I first saw Kate when it was announced that Princess Diana’s son, the future King, was engaged. My mum is a huge fan of Diana so it was very happy news for us that William was to marry.
I watched the Royal wedding with my mum and started following the Cambridges like everyone else in the world did. I wasn’t full on royal watching yet, I was too young and not interested enough. But I always loved and admired Kate. I followed their milestones enthusiastically.
I had never heard of Meghan until she started dating Prince Harry. My friend had been talking about the show Suits but I’d never seen it and I’d never heard of her. I wasn’t that interested while they were dating because I thought it was their private business.
When their engagement was announced I was very excited for them. I started to learn more about Meghan. Right off the bat her activism drew me in. I loved her for it.
But then I noticed something I was feeling.
I was feeling like I shouldn’t like this “new” woman because I liked Kate so much. I felt like I had to choose between the two. That one had to be better and it had to be Kate because she’s my old favourite.
Then I asked myself why.
The answer, I quickly realized, was internalized misogyny. We are taught from a young age that women are in constant competition with one another. That one woman’s shine takes away the other’s. This is fundamentally wrong and needs to be unlearned.
It’s misogynistic to pit these women against one another because it recreates the narrative that two successful women can’t coexist.
I made the decision to not let my internalized misogyny compare these women constantly. Instead I made room in my heart to love and admire both 💛
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