A thread, because I'm feeling the need to rant a while about this.

The most disturbing development in this last week or so, has got to be that the psychopath Trump and his sociopathic enablers, turned their complete attention to our children. Understand, they...
...weren't concerned enough about our kids to get some sort of reasonable response to school shootings accomplished. But, serious responses to those incidents weren't in the interests of propping up Wall St, and helping Trump get reelected, without any sort of...

...reassurance that children would be safe.

Instead our children lives are being put at unknown levels of risk since the trump administration has done a disastrous job on testing or even promoting basic...

...health interests, like masks. Instead, this administration, along with multiple state's governors are doing everything they can to reduce the numbers of REPORTED cases, by fudging or even outright hiding the data, while Trump is preventing the CDC and...

...Fauci from getting actual info out to the public.

Clearly, Trump and his minions care about nothing but themselves. And while I understand how difficult the situation is for parents to deal with having kids at home, sending them back to school anytime soon, based...

...on advice from people who are promoting the interests of Donald Trump, the most prolific serial killer in US history, (and that's exactly what he is folks, exactly as he would be, if he were wearing a blindfold and firing a gun randomly around a crowded...

...room for months) would be an example of the worst parenting possible. Perhaps those parents would also encourage their kids to play in traffic, so maybe social services took take a look at them for possible removal of the kids.

Children need and deserve...

...to be protected. And remember also these people who are suddenly "worried about your child" spending too much time with their families, will be hiring private tutors and using private schools with tiny class sizes, not sending their kids to the over-crowded...

...understaffed public schools your kids would be attending.

If these sociopaths cared about families, they'd have not tried to force the economy open early by refusing to send more relief money, so said families can make rent next month.

By the way, for...

...comparison, when the pandemic hit Canada, they immediately passed a package which sent $2000/month for 4 months to everybody. The first checks arrived within two days. That is how it would look if Trump and his cronies actually cared about your kids.

So use...

...your common sense folks. Do not even consider allowing your kids to go back to school, until we have in place actual working systems that can guarantee a reasonable level of safety, or until a successfully tested vaccine comes along. You'll have to find new...

...and different ways to cope. Its the NEW NORMAL. There won't be any way back to how things were.

And frankly, rethinking the education of our kids is long overdue. The fact that nearly 1/3 of the US population can't tell facts from FAUX News propaganda, is...

...shouting at us that we have a serious problem with how we are educating kids.

Ok, I'll get down off the soapbox now, although for some reason, I'm not feeling my usual level of relief.
Guess that's because people are trying to kill our kids, and I'm not...
...forgetting or letting that go.

thanks for listening.
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