I've got a lot on my mind, I don't even know where to start but will talk about Lampard, youth, Kante, etc.


1: Tammy.
I always thought his ability was overstated, I always maintained his linkup was suspicious & his holdup was nonexistent.
I know a lot of *us got excited for a while[when he was scoring] but he was never going to keep this up, some of his voodoo "finishes" were ludicrous, like that goal against So'ton earlier in the season. "xG Adebayor" I called him.(In hindsight that sounds disrespectful to Manu)
Thing is, we quickly commend a new striker when they pick up the #9 shirt but maybe it's just a sign that instead they're a bunch of dumbcunts. All your new teammates tell you to stay from it but instead because you want to prove some metaphysical point you wear the shirt.
Maybe for a while you score some goals but then once you have a really shitty day & half way through another shitty day you start to wonder maybe it's the shirt, now few games later all over sudden you're convinced it's not you anymore & there's nothing else wrong but the shirt.
2: Mason Mount.

Brilliant tactical player. Key word, Tactical. If you've ever seen Conte play at Juve, or Edgar Davids then you might have a clue of what am talking about, but of course there's got to be tactical guidelines for this type of player otherwise they're ineffectual.
I'll come back to "Tactical" in a minute when I talk about Lampard's tactics or the lack of.

3: Reece James.

Think I might've been the last Chelsea fan to join the bandwagon because I was always skeptical especially of his physique in relation to the role of a fullback.
For those that remember sometime last season when Reece was at Wigan I argued it might be best if he really pivoted to a CM instead but that was a very "unpopular" opinion at the time just like the rest of all my opinions lol.
I get the feeling some people might be trying to blame Covid for all RJ's stinkers but even before you could tell he was giving off these lackadaisical vibes, very suspicious positionally (the lack of coaching doesn't help), giving the ball away, pointless shooting from 30 yards.
It's got to a point were Azpilicueta looks like a superior fullback(to all our fullbacks) in comparison & just thinking that out loud makes me wanna hurt myself. Same for Emerson vs Alonso at RB & now am hearing we might be trying to sign Ben fucking Chilwell. FUCK ME.
4: Callum Hudson Odoi.

Don't you just hate it when your favourite footballer is simply not interested in being a professional footballer? Always vexed me to think we didn't get everything out of Hazard(whomever's to blame, Roman? Managers? Hazard?)
CHO looked like he was just about to make it to the door bell then all over sudden the injury & now he's psychologically eons behind Christian so now he's got to compete with Willian at RW & even though I still feel he's our best RW atm, RW simply stunts his development.
It's with a heavy heart that I have to say that maybe CHO might be better off somewhere, to boost his confidence. A couple of inflated stats in a "all you can run" Bundassliga could do that. But am not talking about a loan move, nope, am talking about selling him...(oi!)
The safe space that our loanees live in doesn't help much, either they're happy to nurse a few injuries until they get back "home" to world-class rehab centers etc. or are just happy to sit on the bench as long as they get to play in a different country in a few months.
Take all that away & the player has to work hard & hope to ever set foot in a cryotherapy machine ever again. This is the part were a player has to play through injury because the're scouts coming to a certain fixture. Take KDB at Wolfsburg.

[Pasalic doesn't apply, I don't rate]
To explain someone like Pasalic I'd have to explain Gasperini tactics & why taking a player like that out of a system like that would surprise you as to how average they actually are. Boga is another, although my reasoning for not rating him are novel but am glad we past him on.
5: Tomori.

Short story long, he's Rudiger but subtle. I know how that sounds but his decision making, positioning & game reading is comparable, difference is Rudiger has trouble controlling his limbs in awkward situations. But he's decent in 1v1s, tackling & driving the ball.
Take Christensen, he's good at positioning against a run of play but he lacks awareness against a poacher ergo he's terrible at scanning his blindside. Meaning just because he can defend City because he sees them coming, he'll struggle against my pub striker standing a yard away.
Tomori is the opposite, his decision making against a run of play is batshit, like he'd be trying to run back to the 6 yard for some reason although against individualistic opponents he's very strong in 1v1s(tackling). But don't get me started on him defending aerially.
Long story short, the youth experiment was necessary, it looked promising & maybe with better coaching it could've taken off but that's not happened. It's one thing to coach the players, another to accelerate their mental development . It's a difficult position for any manager.
I'll talk about Lampard in the last thread & I'll give my take on whether it even makes sense for him to keep his job today. Next thread I want to share my general thoughts on our midfield & defense, tactically and individually.
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