I'm glad a lot of creatives/artists are getting the chance to go on TV shows and talk about their art or, debate on certain topics. But, we really need to talk about posture. (A Thread)
The way you're sitting or standing really is key and I've noticed that many don't take this into consideration. In my opinion, you do not look cool at all slouching on a chair, legs spread or if you're standing, all curved up and leaning on a table (if there is one)
When I see that, not only am I just disappointed but also feel disgusted to how you present yourself, I think about how others may see it, mainly potential investors/clients.
I'd definitely not invest my money on someone with such little regard for their image and when I see it, I understand certain judgements/opinions 'older' people have for local creatives.
Yes, it is you that's on TV and that's an achievement on its own but, you're representing the whole art community and the first impression you give is of some entitled, ignorant, non-educated person who doesn't care.
You aren't in your space or at home, you're on TV. You're in someone else's space. You shouldn't act like you being there is doing them a favor. Have some respect.
It's really the details. Think big. We're all working towards changing the stereotype that exist for artists in Mozambique and we're failing on the details.
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