Wearing a mask is NOT a sign of fear or weakness. It’s not a sign of political party or where you stand with the president: It’s a sign that you’re considerate of others! #MaskUpUtah If you want life to get back to normal faster, #wearadamnmask.
Saw this wonderful post by a good friend of mine, @abludworth, and thought it was worth Repeating here on Twitter for #Utah #lds #churchofjesuschrist #mormon as it’s essentially the same message that @SpencerJCox has been giving us for a while: (1/)
“If you are splitting hairs over getting the instruction to wear masks in public from an area presidency instead of a prophet, you probably would’ve struggled w/ Moses's instruction to look & live as it likely came from someone other than Moses w/ a "lesser" calling to many (2/)
“Alma summed up the condition of those who refused: But few understood the meaning of those things, and this because of the hardness of their hearts. But there were many who were so hardened that they would not look, therefore they perished.” #LDS #Mormon #ChurchOfJesusChrist
“Now the reason they would not look is because they did not believe that it would heal them." The mask is important and smart and polite. You've heard from called (and sustained) leaders with keys. Obedience and recognizing these things is even more important #ChurchOfJesusChrist
“ ...and required to metaphorically "look and live". Splitting hairs here seems unwise as does not accepting the messengers. “ #ChurchOfJesusChrist #LDS #Mormon
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