Everybody read this thread from @CBS_Herridge and fully bathe in the implications of what's said here. https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1282027077701640193?s=20
The FBI just **clearly** said it was the decision of the **Mueller Special Counsel prosecutors** NOT to give all these exculpatory documents Jensen has been finding to the Court & Flynn defense team.


Which took [checks card] about TWO YEARS. And the report wasn't released until Dec 9, 2019.

And ***none*** [pay attention here!!!] NONE of this stuff LEAKED.
BUT WAIT!!!!!!

THERE'S **MORE!!!!**

US Attorney John Durham, who's been investigating for over a year & a half to this point **also** had all these documents.

And NONE...[pay attention here!!!!] NONE of this stuff LEAKED.
Silent professionals.



Out of sight.

Live it.

Know it.

Understand it.

These guys...


That sound you hear right now...is the walls closing in....


Enjoy it.

I would not want to be Bob Mueller, Brandon Van Grack or ANY of those other Special Counsel goons for all the money in the world.
But I'm going to be proven right.

All we have to do is KEEP WATCHING.


Remember how I've been saying Jensen wasn't just "finding" these exculpatory Flynn/SpyGate documents last week & rushing them to @SidneyPowell1?

How I was saying the DOJ/Barr/Durham/Other-as-yet-unnamed US Attorney **already had them long before Jensen got them**?
The FBI just confirmed this.

IG Horowitz had them during his review, and even if you WANT TO ARGUE WITH ME that he only got them a few days before he ended his investigation, his final report was released on Dec. 9, 2019, more than EIGHT MONTHS AGO.
Understand something here:

Mueller, Weismann, Van Grack, all these prosecutors on that team ***DO NOT TRY THIS STUFF THEY DID** if they KNEW the new management at the DOJ and the FBI **already had all of these documents**.

These guys are NOT STUPID.
If Van Grack **knows** back in Feb. of 2018, right after Judge Sullivan issued his Brady order the DOJ IG already had all these exculpatory Flynn documents, he would **NEVER** have spent the next 2+ years snidely lying to the Court & Flynn's lawyers "what exculpatory documents?!"
Right up to the moment JENSEN showed up at the DC Court to hand off that first batch of sealed exculpatory documents, Van Grack was still lying his ass off.

And the moment he SAW what Jensen had given Powell, he **immediately** resigned from the case & dove into a deep hole.
Horowitz had the documents that blew the Flynn case wide open all this time. Durham has had the same documents.

Neither the OIG or the Durham investigation leaked any of this.

They rolled it out THEIR WAY when they were ready, using Jensen.
If the goal was to delay all of this to after the election, NONE of the stuff you've seen from Jensen would've been made public.

I have to explain this?

Evidence is CONTINUALLY DROPPING exposing more & more of the SpyGate plot, and I gotta listen to morons shriek "THE PLAN IS TO LET THEM ALL GO AT THE END!!!!"

Sure, Jan.
This ain't being delayed until after the election.

If it was, none of the 20+ documents Powell's gotten from Jensen would've surfaced.

But the Cassandra Chorus never goes away.

It is what it is.
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