Followed #sufc for 30 years. Man and boy. From Carlisle to Southampton and every where in between. Bar one 2nd place, stumble over the line promotion, seen nothing but failure. Wembley 5 times and lost the lot. Older Blades than me have a longer rap sheet.

Then Chris Wilder.
Once out of the naivety of childhood, I soon realised I'd probably go to my grave having never seen United cause as much as a ripple in the ocean that is English football.
Now here we are. Swatting aside the best teams in the land with ease. Knocking on the door of European qualification.
Fuck knows where this all ends. Just soak it all in. This is the best United side anyone alive has ever seen.
One day, we may well sink back to our perennial position hovering around the top of level 2, bottom of level 1. Maybe even further down. We've got form for that aswell. We'll tell our grandkids about this side. Remember it all
Remember that we had a Blade in the dugout kicking every ball.
That we worshipped a striker who never scored.
That we invented a whole new style of football that tied the best players in the world up in knots.
That we did it all with humble, down to earth, approachable blokes and it was built on a bedrock of graft and determination and sewn together with no shortage of skill and swagger.
Don't miss a beat. This is history.
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